Faction: Caesar's Legion

Lol, that does sound hilarious when you put it like that. :p

And yeah, but sadly I have never tried that mod. I've completed New Vegas (and the DLC) on the side of House and my own (couldn't play for the NCR, but I don't think I missed much anyway), and then I started playing as evil, looting and killing everyone and siding with the Powder Gangers and the Legion... But it was just boring-ish. Maybe I'll install that mod, but oh well, I doubt I'll get back to it anytime soon.

Certainly not now that I have a new PC with Far Cry 4, Skyrim, and so on... :p
Yeah I just have not been able to get very deep into new vegas, I just can't enjoy fallout as an FPS..

I am interested in hearing peoples thoughts on how they think these various factions should be 'weghted' in the final outcome though.

Like for me, I always side with the NCR, because I know them from back when they were a kind and friendly folk, led by Tandi, caring and sharing and fighting for freedom!

In NV Tandi is long since dead and buried and the whole thing has crumbled into a corporate america..

Same with the Brotherhood.

I knew them when they were allying with the NCR, fighting the evil master and helping to usher in a new and modernised wasteland.. They gave me my first Power Armour.. In NV they have crumbled into a band of stagnated and half mad recluses, hoarding their precious plasma guns with their long and gnarled finger nailed hands.
Indeed. And I believe the New Vegas Brotherhood is more representative of the overall Brotherhood than Fallout 3's is. In Fallout 3, the Brotherhood wants to help the populace, fight against the Enclave, secure water, protect the people... Whereas the Outcasts call the people stone-banging monkeys and are only interested in preserving technology. So I'd say the Outcasts, too, resemble the common Brotherhood chapter.

You could base the Brotherhood of Fallout 3, but I believe the reclusive and inevitably dying out Brotherhood is the common / main one, so to say.

The NCR, too, has taken a turn for the worse; ranchers dominate politics (the 'corporate America' you refer to), they're expanding rapidly, leaving a mess without proper security, government, and integration with the main NCR behind... Though I can see the NCR turning 'good' again, as they were once before. Who knows.

How do you mean weighted? The end result of their victory? Well, for my own mod, I added a New Vegas faction with Robert House (Mr. House), Benny, and Edward Swallow (Caesar) as leaders, representing all possible ends of New Vegas except for the NCR one, because I couldn't find an NCR leaderhead.

On that note, I notice you have a Tandi leaderhead in-game... :p

But, I did write up a tiny paragraph of how New Vegas would turn out under their respective rules, for the Civilopedia. I doubt it helps you, but why not share it:

Under Mr.House's leadership, New Vegas will become an independent power, financed by trade and commerce. A place of stability in an anarchistic wasteland of death and destruction, guarded by an army of robots, Mr.House plans to reach space within decades and to establish a culture of science and commerce.

Under Caesar's leadership, New Vegas will become part of his empire, standing for safety and stability in a land of lawless savagery. Trade flourishes within his empire, as people are protected by law and force. Thanks to the extremely harsh penalties - crucifixion, slavery, an eye for an eye - banditry practically disappears. Of course, a sexist, militarised, autocratic empire may not be the perfect place to live in, but it is an empire that provides food and safety, and that sure beats living out there in the wastes.

Under Benny's leadership, New Vegas will become a capital of gambling, debauchery, and nepotism. Benny is the unquestioned leader and enjoys the pleasures of life, revelling in his power yet seldom exercising it beyond ordering free drinks and prostitutes. He's a simple man, passing his time with drinking and gambling, without much of a desire to expand the borders of New Vegas. He has plenty of 'friends' and loyal acquaintances, whom he often rewards with drinks, drugs, and other such benefits. A friendly enough man, and a true people's man, he has little to fear and has established a paradise for those whom others would call immoral or decadent. But there is no way his New Vegas can survive for long, when - not if - others, such as Caesar's Legion, decide to get involved.

EDIT: Also, diplomacy text, should you need it. Most of it is taken from what they say in-game, though changed here and there to fit in with Civilization IV.
Don't wake up Caesar while hes sleeping or he'll kill you. I forgot about that :lol:
That will be cool when we get to the stage adding in House and Caesar.

What I mean by weighted, is in what way should each faction be different from 'the norm'.

You can see me collecting info about the various factions in the first post of each.

So for example:

The NCR might have a benefit to agriculture.
The Legion has a bonus to melee fighting.
The brotherhood at scavenging tech
The ghouls benefit from radiation
The Super Mutants are big and tough
The enclave have technology
The reno's have criminal benefits
The Vegas Strip has robot armies
The tribals are masters of living off the land and survival

What I was saying about the Brotherhood, is that in F1 the story goes that they ally with the NCR ad begin to build together a safer more prosperous land.

By F3 theor doctrine has become one of stagnation, their scribes no longer 'push the envelope' and they have become almost obsessively paranoid and recluse.

Lionel was stricken from the records as a traitor for wanting to be more than a hoarder, and the outcast seprated themselves to stand as the true brotherhood of the east, waiting for their time of reward from the western chapters.

This will likely never come though as the west just doesn't care about anything outside of it's doors anymore.

What I want to eventually try and achieve is a system where each faction has all these possibilities modelled into it, and by your actions you will end up creating one of these possibilities, or an amalgamation of some sort.

So as the NCR if you make a lot of 'money first' choices, you will end up with a bunch of traits or civic choices that see you trapped in a world of corporate power plays and greed.

I don't know exactly how I will build this yet, but it will be through a combo of traits, civics, event chains and the units and buildings that are/not available because of these choices.

So my dream will be that each faction will not only play differently to each other, but also to themselves depending on the kind of leader you choose to be and the kind of actions you choose to take at each turn.

Right now though I am still focussed on building the core generic game, and getting all of that working properly.

He never would tell me how many dog tags I needed to get his hat.
I finished these awhile ago but kind of forgot about them.

Spoiler :


Spoiler :


Awesome, they will be great for the 'base' of legion graphics when we implement the faction! It is always exciting and motivating to see your latest creations! Makes me feel far less alone in the journey! :D

Have you uploaded them to civfanatics? The files?

Could you leave a link here, so we can remember them when the time comes?

Currently I am chipping away at the Dyntraits/Civic Traits system, the are a few 'bugs' in it that I am trying to deal with with the help of flitz. It is nothing game breaking but there are a lot of diplay/info bugs, or possibly some functions of tags not working or working incorrectly. Just trying to figure out what is what, but I have successfully been adding some first level traits to civics, and a second level for chieftain civic, it is slow and a bit gruelling because of the bugs (Having to record the intended effects by hand in the civilopedia and such....BIG Headache!) but hopefully the powerful mind of flitz shall turn itself upon it and magic up the desired results!
Awesome, they will be great for the 'base' of legion graphics when we implement the faction! It is always exciting and motivating to see your latest creations! Makes me feel far less alone in the journey! :D

Have you uploaded them to civfanatics? The files?

Could you leave a link here, so we can remember them when the time comes?

Have yet to upload them. They are in a personal Fury Road ModMod Fallout paintjob mod. I'm going to release it at some point but ehh not yet. The dang thing is incapable of having the slavery python work concurrently with the whole fury road "rebuilt units" thing. And you know Caesar's Legion is totally all about slavery. If you want the nifs though I can attach them.

Currently I am chipping away at the Dyntraits/Civic Traits system, the are a few 'bugs' in it that I am trying to deal with with the help of flitz. It is nothing game breaking but there are a lot of diplay/info bugs, or possibly some functions of tags not working or working incorrectly. Just trying to figure out what is what, but I have successfully been adding some first level traits to civics, and a second level for chieftain civic, it is slow and a bit gruelling because of the bugs (Having to record the intended effects by hand in the civilopedia and such....BIG Headache!) but hopefully the powerful mind of flitz shall turn itself upon it and magic up the desired results!

Seems like a lot of trouble. Complicated trouble. Complicated DLL trouble. Complicated Python DLL trouble.
You using wav files? You not adding comments to audio xml files? Do you have the naming for the audio files set up properly?

Like for example:

and so on. That is weird though I've never had an audio changes cause a crash. It has made all of the audio not work in the game before though. Which is caused by trying to add a comment to an audio xml.
ahhhh you clever pony!

I did add some comments!

I will check that and see if it solves it!

Ok, so on closer inspection, apparently I didn't add any comments... because they ain't their now! Still doesn't work though... They are named properly yes and are wavs.

I am not sure what is causing the crash, it seems to happen when I mouse over the mini map, so I have no idea if the two are related?!

Ok, so now they are working. They are just REALLY quiet!! Hmmm I wonder if there is a quick fix for that or if I have to go back to my mac and re-edit each one to be louder!

Ok fixed the volume, but the Order sounds don't work.. I may have found that this was the case before, I don't know why they don't play, or what situation constitutes an order.

Anyway the select sounds worked, so now I just need to create some for the other 8 factions!

How would you feel about trying to find some audio choices from NV Clanky? (If you have it) I figured it would at least have some good ones for NCR, New Vegas and Legion in there.
The order sound is only played for workers. And I think other units that you can give "orders" to. Like missionaries, Great People, spies.

Here you go. Got some unit select sounds for the legion, NCR, and New Vegas securitrons. They have a whole mess of audio clips but very few that are an acknowledgement of being addressed. Some of the sounds are repeated for lines they say more often.


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