Oh my, the story of CDG, told by its founder no less!. Never seen this pages before. Quite the interesting reading.
Yes i also played the balancer, i've never been satisfied (sp?) with the vanilla civ3 nor 4, as well as DyP/RaR (how could someone forget about this ones?)
Im sorry for your medical problems, its good to hear you're in a better status this days.
You might be wondering a little about me, well, you (well, one of your staff members back on the original CDG) gave me a subforum to host my mod (it was a fusion/convert to C3C of Teturkan;s - something like that - mod and DyP, when RaR wasnt out yet) and hosted its files too. I remember all the trouble i had the go through because it was almost impossible to get 120MB hosted for free somewhere. And altho it didnt had too much success other than a few friends on the spanish site on apolyton, im pretty sure you (indirectly or not) helped a lot of people this way.
So thanks for everything!.
PD. Sorry if the writing/spelling is kinda messed up, english aint my mother language