Favorite quotes


Judge of Love
Oct 12, 2011
Beyond this flesh
beyond this dream
I have danced among the stars
My children dance in endless worlds

i love the obvious reference to the Ascent to Transcendence reference.
All humans are one family. Those who are not of our family are not human. Amen, amen, we say to you: Let them not test our forbearance.
- Epistle of Peter and Cornelius to the Centralites, 6:11
The arrogance of the tech quotes -- this is bad enough. But the utter and complete lack of idealism is worse. Admittedly this is partly a reflection of the setup: SMAC had everyone come on one ship, the Unity, sponsored by the UN. So there was less jingoism. The leaders journals give occassional lip service to the idea of not repeating old mistakes, but the tech quotes very much so do not. Having said that, one that leaps out at me is the worker miasma immunity tech that starts "Patent your discoveries."
It makes me wanna slap the fail out of the narrator.

Oh, and the quote above is pretty good too.
I have 2 favorite quotes:

Supremacy 18:

"All previous versions of humanity will no longer be supported as of this update."

- Registry Update 40000.b595135.omega

Crawler (Wonder):

"John Henry smiled at the Crawler and he said: 'Sure, you can move a lot of dirt, but let's see who gets to to the Mohorovicic discontinuity first.' And he picked up his shovel and waited for the starting us."
- The Uncle Nevercloned Stories
As Adam Smith says...
Floatstone beat Anansi and Coyote at poker, and won the right to leave the ground. But Floatstone forgot to ask for wings to fly, and so it just sort of hangs around feeling sorry for itself.
— The Uncle Nevercloned Stories

I always find this to be hilarious.
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