Feature for a PATCH - Keshik Defensive Bombard


Finally, someone likes my ideas! :D

Maybe Jeff can give us an answer... maybe the just forgot about it!
My guess is it wasn't considered at all

Do any other mounted units get it? Even Cavalry or Tanks?
Originally posted by Louis XXIV
My guess is it wasn't considered at all

Do any other mounted units get it? Even Cavalry or Tanks?

Nope, I don't think so. And that makes my idea even greater! :D

Seriously though, if the archer upgrade tree has that one (longbowmen, musketmen, riflemen...), then I can't see why I mounted archer shouldn't have the ability. Of course, you can count the cavalry as a mounted rifleman...

But the keshik badly needs a boost. Adding the 1st strike to it, would make that unique unit unique, as the only mounted unit with the 1st strike ability.
Jeff would have little or no say in a decision like this. Jesse and Gobi would be the ones to make a call like that.
Why would Jeff matter in this? Anyone can suggest it. Jesse and Ed read these forums. If they like the idea it'll get get done.
That or give the Keshik the good movement on Hills too. I mean come on "We can move comfortably over those big, steep, rugged, cold, high altitude mountains; but those small, flatter, smoother, warmer, lower altitude hills are what really takes it out of us"
Originally posted by Mongoloid Cow
That or give the Keshik the good movement on Hills too.
It got the good movement on Hills in Conquests, I believe... someone with the game could confirm.
yep, it has "the good move" OVER HILLS too
I think it would be a "good move" to end all of the "bad puns" ;)
A 60 shield knight that ignores mountains and hills and have defensive bombardment, but only 2 defense would probably become one of my favourite units in the game. It may seem bad in the beginning, but when you master it and ride across the mountains, shooting arrows at your opponents... I long for the day Firaxis reads this and fix it!
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