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Here is the breakdown
Spoiler :


For the deals with other empires, I have a +40 peace treaty, and then some luxuries and strategics (coal especially) are selling well.
I have tradition (full), authority (2), and statecraft (full), rationalism (opener only atm), so some +gold per city (and 18 cities, we rex'd hard).
Also 2960/10 turn instant gold yield (you see by hovering over the star in EUI top panel)
p.s. I have 2 unfilled trade slots atm 9/11
Here is the breakdown

For the deals with other empires, I have a +40 peace treaty, and then some luxuries and strategics (coal especially) are selling well.
I have tradition (full), authority (2), and statecraft (full), rationalism (opener only atm), so some +gold per city (and 18 cities, we rex'd hard).
Also 2960/10 turn instant gold yield (you see by hovering over the star in EUI top panel)
p.s. I have 2 unfilled trade slots atm 9/11
Ok looked at my yields I think a bunch of internal trade routes hurts a bit, that would net me 80-100 more if all were external but I cant compete with full statecraft.
I got 100 more in unit maint and another 100 for buildings.
But I get almost twice the amount in instant yields (maybe because of cathedrals?).
Difference in "from other civilizations" is big, whats that? gpt trades?

Spoiler :


and turn after golden age started which ofc is big for a 23 city empire

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Edit: also took a peek at my Inca game that I gave up because I was too far ahead, I had similar gold without golden age and like 70 turns faster in tech.
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Yes "from other civilizations" means from trades.
Double mine in instant yields is pretty big though, you're really running around +600 then? (so only a bit less than me)
Just finished a game (514 turns, science victory) with the last version.
I have to say it was a blast. I had the most stable experience of the last few months in terms of CTD (3 in total after Industrial era) despite the large number of enabled mods and players on the map (22).

Spoiler "Mini" Map :

Spoiler Enabled mods :
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    a323e0c6-91a5-430e-9df3-555ae355b235    !Jarcast's Clock Tower Building    Version    1
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    c2c3797b-2728-417c-94c8-f30410528bf2    !Horem's Aloe Vera bonus resource    Version    2
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    ef652953-24c3-4316-b0af-1bdd2c2a61eb    !Jarcast & pineappledan's Hittites for VP    Version    5
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    5dcfb430-cfd4-4262-84f7-8db1e3fd6284    !Jarcast's Bigger Huge Map for Communitu_79a    Version    4
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6c3e0a7b-c67f-4603-8461-67105e8184fb    !Jarcast's Duchy of Amalfi for VP    Version    4
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    1da69196-0131-4f34-860e-3882eed300c5    !Jarcast's Extraction Outpost    Version    1
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    8e97b90f-bd6f-4139-9f22-8cca9a9d6931    !Jarcast's Nan Madol for VP    Version    2
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6031eb42-9188-464c-9c75-1e5856c252b2    !Jarcast's The Etruscans for VP    Version    3
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    1ae35ed6-47d1-4057-81e1-25b50b5829ec    !Jarcast's Zimbabwe for VP    Version    2
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    d1b6328c-ff44-4b0d-aad7-c657f83610cd    (1) Community Patch    Version    127
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    8411a7a8-dad3-4622-a18e-fcc18324c799    (2) Vox Populi    Version    17
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    24923240-e4fb-4bf6-8f0e-6e5b6cf4d3c2    (3a) VP - EUI Compatibility Files    Version    1
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    1f0a153b-26ae-4496-a2c0-a106d9b43c95    (4a) UI - Promotion Tree for VP    Version    23
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    ef8387f0-b053-4c84-90ce-c3c5cb21a580    (5) VP Community Events    Version    8
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6eab2123-f4cb-401a-a165-55833306c1ae    (6) Bare Necessities    Version    12
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    7f48f895-3442-447d-85d4-483bb7901a63    VP Custom Adjustments    Version    1
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    3fca6d5a-3838-4fc2-9b03-a461a4aeaeec    Teleport Recon to Nearest City    Version    1
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    8e54eb87-31e8-4fcd-aafe-ede055b463d0    Even More Resources for Vox Populi    Version    10
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    e37c9bba-9a02-4472-b460-617a1132fa40   Better Lakes for Vox Populi    Version    2
[45799.171] EUI_context: Active MOD:    87b2deae-83cb-9b88-9017-79e741d3739c  Enlightenment Era edited by CAYM (for VP 4.4)    Version    10
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    259c3593-34dd-4fdd-bd7d-8ed67cc0797c   More Unique Components for VP    Version    87
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    5594cb50-a30e-4abf-a249-69704fc95da9    City-States Leaders for VP    Version    18
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6803cd5e-75f9-4813-ad19-34786bc5a55e   MUCfVP EE Adjustments    Version    1
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6df65e6b-6aa4-4da2-a7fd-084d0e9c84c1    UI - Improved City View (Vox Populi EUI)    Version    20
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    60f79b1d-92a7-40fc-900e-5d766a75ed42    World Congress Reformation    Version    12
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    9e735b12-3815-4ce3-9845-5396afb189da   Trade Opportunities for VP    Version    22
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    9f801bd1-a762-4fa6-b2d0-b3245c8fb464    Unit Scaling and Formation for VP    Version    12
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6c2985af-6d9e-4db8-b04e-8a3394ce1c6d   USnF for VP Custom Civilizations    Version    7
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    e53b3cb8-48a9-4f46-8e1d-c9d3e8fa2233    Pontoon Bridges for VP    Version    2
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    d4a7e692-5d05-4436-bc84-13236d75575f   Wonder Planner for VP    Version    14
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    d4707b20-3fc1-4b1e-9f9f-4f67b1808b39     Religion - Permanent Pantheons    Version    1
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    60e56625-b5b8-478d-b0eb-5fdb9f8e7301   super-settler    Version    1
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    ccf47da8-4d56-4c74-a416-ab07a98484a8   Worker Mountaineering    Version    2
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    5114ca56-5621-43cb-a024-e0884b6045da   Reforestation for VP    Version    5
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    d600c443-2f04-469a-9475-e857284d5992   New Beliefs Mods    Version    19
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    7040a7a6-c408-4242-b5d0-c48c23053177  Convert Caravans and Cargo Ships VP    Version    1
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    7db75fa8-0dd6-424d-8130-b79c37b04398    (ui) Meaningful Colours    Version    15
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    baec6cb7-36d9-425a-a72b-e8f7d7ad1b01    Neolithic Wonders    Version    1
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    12f72070-3f4d-425a-bef0-b6c14a3738ac    National Wonder Collection    Version    3
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    481300ce-c7f4-4094-bb59-0394f190e05c    Alternative Civilization Icons    Version    2
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    2b5ad645-8094-4ed7-a488-1e49eb9277aa    Colonialist Legacies' - Phillipine Republic for Vox Populi    Version    12
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    8562c016-f5bb-40f1-b37e-d3b40d3fg13e    Colonialist Legacies' Canadian Dominion for VP    Version    26
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    dcdaabd2-b224-4680-bdc0-d8692a1a1249    Colonialist Legacies' Inuit for VP    Version    20
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    bb769714-1243-4d42-9c13-bdbb55405064    Colonialist Legacies' Tlingit for VP    Version    18
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    55abc424-63ea-4858-a3e5-15e8cca4890b    (overhaul) - DMS' Civilizations - Corsica (Pasquale Paoli) for VP    Version    15
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    3499cc3d-2073-42c9-9bf0-f39db982e741    (primary) - GH's Ainu People - Shakushain for VP    Version    16
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    a6fd44de-5fe5-45b1-a2b8-77a69e910182    GH's Scotland - Robert I Bruce for VP    Version    17
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    e576894a-ed2b-4033-be14-ed1c8ceb81d3    Map Labels    Version    6
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    9c2470ae-57d8-4dc8-ba30-739b9d678410    Hinin's Hisatsinom/Pueblo (Po'Pay) for Vox Populi    Version    5
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    568896cc-93a5-420f-8167-4a9965563632    (overhaul) - Hoop Thrower's Tehuelche - Maria the Elder for VP    Version    13
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    170c8ed1-b516-4fe2-b571-befeac39d220    InGame Editor+    Version    46
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    4abc16dc-5010-47d1-af6a-7d51a2674a35    Kushan Empire for VP    Version    2
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    31a31d1c-b9d7-45e1-842c-23232d66cd47    JFDLC (07) - JFD's Cultural Diversity (Core)    Version    16
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    dfc391e1-b126-40bb-8125-2fbafca9c576    JFD's Kingdom of Norway (Haakon IV) for VP    Version    4
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    42c4728e-4544-4520-8488-4bb430e27e34    JFD's Civilizations - Papal States (Pius IX) for Vox Populi    Version    9
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    5bc5cebf-f7fc-4cf7-8669-726e58ad476e    (Unity) - JFD-US-DMS-THP-GH's Ireland - Brian Boru for VP    Version    5
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    35e27828-cf22-4aec-b087-08169fa4e430    Leugi's Israel for VP    Version    18
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    2f41f1a3-a28d-4a4f-b236-0e16159b7b63    LastSword's Viet Nam for VP    Version    4
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    4bd78158-67ce-4bd5-9b43-c7d4b1503a96    MC and LITE's Nubia for VP    Version    20
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    d4d41747-f4f3-4861-9346-928634c8c68f    MC's Greece/Macedon Split for Vox Populi    Version    15
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    7b2d759e-3366-41c7-8e0c-b4ebfe1c79g2    Cambodian Civilization for VP    Version    17
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    bb769714-1243-4d42-9c13-bdbb37925449    Pineappledan's Chola for Vox Populi    Version    8
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    0410e638-98da-4d02-930a-daf4c3a120ef    Quick Turns    Version    10
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    34feb829-33fb-4241-956f-462e6877e070    Really Advanced Setup    Version    15
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    aec5d10d-f00f-4fc7-b330-c3a1e86c91c3    robk's InfoAddict    Version    22
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    f880b356-abd7-4589-99d8-e28df6d9d38e    Sukritact's Civ VI Style City Names    Version    1
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    7c89ec77-8cd0-44af-b308-925b9ccf0377    Tomatekh's Benin (Ewuare) for VP    Version    5
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    6010e6f6-918e-48b8-9332-d60783bd8fb5    Historical Religions Complete (BNW or GK)    Version    31
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    a17e6c5d-d00b-4650-a09b-61c34a299f51    Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP    Version    3
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    7dbedfbe-cce4-49cd-a2bc-3507e38f4bd4    Tomatekh's Sumer for VP    Version    24
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    cc3e1671-2832-40dc-9bfd-8e053d3b76b2    Tomatekh's Timurids for VP - 4UC Compatible    Version    15
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    18203a10-fb70-485b-aaf1-948e7e459b6a    Upgrade All Units Button In Military Overview    Version    2
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    726cd01f-8ea2-4438-8085-21ee14bd9500    Wonder Race    Version    7
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    3e151552-1683-4881-b736-8ee89226f599    (9) More Wonders for VP    Version    22
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    17304572-5735-44c1-a981-29be1ff401b6    (overhaul) - SMAN's Duchy of Brittany - Anne De Bretagne for VP    Version    13
[45799.187] EUI_context: Active MOD:    9995d43e-e75b-41aa-802e-af3dcfed1675    !Jarcast's Cities of Marble for VP    Version    2[/SPOILER]
Impressive! However, are you sure that all of those mods work with the current version? I was downloading stuff for my next game like that and noticed that quite a few civs weren't updated for 4.x. Benin in particular was last updated during 2.2.1. I assume you at least know that the mods you worked on are compatible even without updates, but can you confirm it for any others?

On another note, I'm planning to use JarCommunitu_79a, and I kinda want to keep the vanilla balance of X civs with 2X city-states, but with 20/40 the map seems a bit too big. I tried editing the dll to allow 21 civs and 42 CS, but while the civ number gets correctly limited to 21, MAX_MINOR_CIVS doesn't seem to do anything, whether I increase or decrease it (nor does it automatically recalculate to 42, as MAX_CIV_PLAYERS - MAX_MAJOR_CIVS would imply). Can anyone help?
I don't really understand where the big problem is if a "found bug" or a "is it really a bug?" comment appears on the version thread. Isn't that also a purpose for this thread? Everybody's involvement in this project (and I don't just mean the devs) is completely voluntary. The devs don't have any obligation to the users. The users don't have any obligation to the devs (only if they want their problems to be solved).

If somebody writes "I have this problem" the devs can decide if they ask for a bug report, ignore the issue or report it themselves. In a voluntary project it certainly isn't forbidden (or a reason for a harsh tone) to talk about a bug and then decide for yourself whether to report it or not.

Especially if you just want to ask beforehand if anyone else has the same problem.

I think, I rather have a user telling me about a bug in a forum (or talking about it with others) than a user keeping quiet and thinking "nah, they will find out themselves or someone else will tell them". The sooner you will accept that "bug comments" will never go away, the sooner you will find peace of mind.

Ok, sorry. That was my opinion. No bad feelings. End of transmission.
It is okay, if they don't usually require us to ask "which modmods" or "which mapscript", further clogging up the thread. Many of them are also already fixed, waiting for a new release.

I would fix any bug that I see here, but some devs would pretend they've never seen it unless it's posted on Github. It's way easier to track issues on Github than in the forums.
Brazil, Epic, 7th difficulty , 8players 16 CS standard size for a cultural victory in 422.
I had a really hammers-poor start with a lot of jungles & and no hills at all sharing a massive continent with only me and China there with another sub continent with 4 CS and a lot of space to expand so i went authority & forced China to surrender in early medieval and expanded to a total of 13 cities and two cities i took from China.
after that it was basically a lot of defensive wars against the invading English, Austrian and Polynesian armies combined with invading their island cities I managed to secure influential state against all of them despite a travel ban being imposed thanks to both Austria and England (who with the Help of the Inca managed to invade and eliminate both Sweden and Rome).
I really thing the wide culture game offered by Brazil in addition to Authority's early game is way better than going all in Tradition Tall CV.
Spoiler Endgame :
Screenshot (69).png
If you use a modpack you can start a multiplayer game in local network with only you and AIs, I think it should work.
Is it possible to run more than 8 AI, Huge Maps, etc on Vox Pop multi as singleplayer?
Does anyone see that we get too many border points when bulbing GW or use archeological site to bulb culture? It says to me 400 000+ but then in cities I see more than 1-1.5 million. Looks like it gets on top of culture all the multipliers to BPG. Is this intended?
Does anyone see that we get too many border points when bulbing GW or use archeological site to bulb culture? It says to me 400 000+ but then in cities I see more than 1-1.5 million. Looks like it gets on top of culture all the multipliers to BPG. Is this intended?
Mod conflict?
Pangea, 5 tiles between capitals, by far the closest I've seen.
This is a restart, will ju be unfair for these AI's.

Spoiler :


Could you reveal the whole map for us to see how the regions sit?
I thought I didnt have any saves but found one and I've started using IGE recently just because of this.
Pangea low seas standard size, standard cs, standard amount of AIs:
Want save on github?
Spoiler :


Its a small effort and helps the voluntary unpaid developers a lot.
Yeah, I just can't be bothered to go try to retrieve my github login/password nor create a new account on yet-another site at this point in my life. 🤷‍♂️
I thought I didnt have any saves but found one and I've started using IGE recently just because of this.
Pangea low seas standard size, standard cs, standard amount of AIs:
Want save on github?
A fully zoomed out screenshot of the strategic view would be nice.
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