Fighters "losing" intercept command?

Jul 11, 2005
Chicago, IL, USA
I've frequently noticed that fighters I set to intercept around a city will, some time later, end up sleeping there instead of circling around like I expect them to. So...

1) Have others noticed this?

2) Is the fighter really not going to intercept incoming attacks, or is this just a "cosmetic" issue?

3) If it's not cosmetic, what am I doing that keeps fortifying my fighters by accident?
Did you reload a save?

If so, I think they're still set to intercept, but you wont see them circling.
yes, i have seen that. and i thought i was fortifying them by accident too or something. i think it's just cosmetic but my cities havent' been attacked yet when that was happening. i think the graphic of the circling plane might just go off?
yeah, I think they will still intercept, it's just that the graphic of the plane circling over the city stops. It does mean it's a bit of a nuisance trying to find where all your sleeping aircraft are located...
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