Fun ways to play Civ VI


May 23, 2020
Hi everyone!
Any suggestions for fun/interesting strategies? Post anything that comes to your head! :)
I had a lot of with apocalypse mode + zombies. If you remove one civ from the recommendation for your map size, you get more free room, which means more barbs, which means even more zombies. Don´t add heroes or anything that could help against the zombies. By mid-late game several AIs will have been destroyed by zombies (only their capitals remain, zombies won't take them since they're technically barbs) and you end up with usually just one strong rival. Both you and the strong rival will have your territories filled with anti-zombie improvements, it's crazy. Diplomatic victory is the easiest one here, while domination is pretty much impossible (capitals of destroyed civs end up surrounded by tons of extremely strong zombies).
I had a great game as Maori on a terra map. You basically have the whole new world and the CS for yourself. Definitely try that if you dont mind that it becomes super easy to win in such a setting.

Also a peaceful domination game as Eleonore is quite fun :)
If you like action-all types of domination are great, early, naval, repeated raiding, medieval or late game. Winning a war is always fun.
I just recently wrote an article on the best leaders for domination and some how to play strategies.
Play trade, get scouts and naval raiders for barracks, activate barbarian clans game mode, archeology as you can, win late quests, buy some great people in need, make wonders. Ditto on playing with Maori, Portugal is also pretty fun, feitorias here we go ;)
If you like a bit more of an even challenge than “front load AI with bonuses” simply play on a lower difficulty with a house rule that you can’t chop anything
It can be fun until you realize that you're coerced into certain strategies in order to win (mainly spamming campuses). I'm behind in science in every game because you basically have to build nothing but campuses - every other 'choice' of district is totally suboptimal compared to the campus.

Like playing on continents as the very powerful Gran Colombians, enjoying building up an empire and then towards the late game Mansa Musa has four times your science and breezes to a science victory. And there's nothing you can do about it. A lot of wasted hours :(
It can be fun until you realize that you're coerced into certain strategies in order to win (mainly spamming campuses). I'm behind in science in every game because you basically have to build nothing but campuses - every other 'choice' of district is totally suboptimal compared to the campus.

Like playing on continents as the very powerful Gran Colombians, enjoying building up an empire and then towards the late game Mansa Musa has four times your science and breezes to a science victory. And there's nothing you can do about it. A lot of wasted hours :(

This is why you turn everything but score off
try turn victory conditions off. new world, fractal, Patchacuti, deity, 18 civs, max city states, max floodings etc. no chopping, no alliances, just reload until you get start position next to bottom or top map. best is to be in cramped corner and try to get out of there...
Menelik, Voidsingers, go for any victory condition making more Faith than Gold per turn. Get a religion and choose "buy <stuff> with Faith" options and such, Try on the level below your current level first, to get the hang of it, then move up to your regular. I am attempting him on Immortal now, only my 2nd game on Immortal.
It can be fun until you realize that you're coerced into certain strategies in order to win (mainly spamming campuses). I'm behind in science in every game because you basically have to build nothing but campuses - every other 'choice' of district is totally suboptimal compared to the campus.

Like playing on continents as the very powerful Gran Colombians, enjoying building up an empire and then towards the late game Mansa Musa has four times your science and breezes to a science victory. And there's nothing you can do about it. A lot of wasted hours :(

Here are a couple of screenshots, both on Deity, standard size&speed Continents&Islands maps, Ironman style with 0 reloads.

Diplo win t251, after having 'spammed' 3 campuses, while at late game war with Korea and her GDRs, countered with Field Gun Corps and 1 Battleship from a GA, and Diggers for city defence strength. Korea is like 20 techs or so ahead of me. So what? My Statue of Liberty vaporized all their GDRs with her torch:
Spoiler :

Also, screw entertainment, I like my harbours :)

This one has C&M mode enabled, the only one, t269 CV with Catherine the Magnificence, who despised school and spammed 0 campuses. She also had an isolated start on an own continent, built no corporations and products, and still preferred harbours to TDs. I really like habours :) Court Festivals carried the game. They'd've probably carried it sooner, if not for the isolation and certain Gorgo, who got out of control a little bit. 0 wars. Friendships with all except 1. And I'm not even last in science.
Spoiler :

Are you sure the guiding rails you see aren't built in your head by you?
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