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G-Minor LXVI

Well, I was able to chop 98 turns off my first effort despite landing on a map where the nearest mountain was on the other side of the globe. Had to fight in the end for aluminum that Rome did not know it had. The worst part was the agonizing ten turns of shipping my last space piece across my internationally popular trans-global railway- including the turn when I got sent backwards when my open borders agreement expired:cry:. Even so I was around 340. With what I learned + a better map I'm sure I could get sub 300. I did not realize how powerful those siege towers were in the early game. If you don't worry about promotion you can capture an early city with one tower and one lesser guarding unit (just chilln there in heal mode absorbing the city's bombard)
I ran out of time (also Australia here) ... my furthest attempt was doing really bad, have kicked up a new game with a much much stronger starting position.

Congratulations to the winners - I always learn so much from good robust conversation in games like this!
Well, I was able to chop 98 turns off my first effort despite landing on a map where the nearest mountain was on the other side of the globe. Had to fight in the end for aluminum that Rome did not know it had. The worst part was the agonizing ten turns of shipping my last space piece across my internationally popular trans-global railway- including the turn when I got sent backwards when my open borders agreement expired:cry:. Even so I was around 340. With what I learned + a better map I'm sure I could get sub 300. I did not realize how powerful those siege towers were in the early game. If you don't worry about promotion you can capture an early city with one tower and one lesser guarding unit (just chilln there in heal mode absorbing the city's bombard)

You could've built airports.
They are able to transport spaceship parts by airplane somehow :O
It turns out... I still got a LOT to learn :)

345 turns, I gotta find some time to study Tommy's video a lot more! I had 4 cities, all with mountains but almost no rivers in view (and especially none near a mountain). RA's were exceptionally hard early on, and I could only get 1-2 friends, 3 mid game and 4-5 late game - but they were only possible by giving them heaps of money. I think it was the lack of rivers that really hurt me - back to the drawing board... aka the next challenge.

A big question I have for the experts - is at what point do you use your scientists to bulb rather than build an academy?
I never plant more as 1 academy. And not sure if this 1 academy is even worth it.

The science from academies is so slim compared to overal science after like public schools ...

Usually use 1 scientist to bulb public school (or use right after for electricity depending on timing) and 1 more to bulb RL tech - rest for endgame
think kinda of "every1" uses Oxford for Radio since Idiologies

Rati finishes usually in endgame (also due to picking Idiologies before finsihing it) so one of last techs, f.e. the Hubble tech.
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