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G-Minor LXVI

This is just killing me...
It is becoming an obsession...

I am convinced I can do this in under 220 turns, 229 is my best so far (forgot to submit :(), and a boatload of sub 260's
Started this.
Pretty sure that sub t200 is possible ..

Having a desert/floodplain start and with 2 moves even a observatory/Petra cap.

CS quests been pretty good and ais trade happy. Just king days lux suck ass.

It just might be that lib/trad mix was a mistake - with ais being so easy to befriend and happynes so easy to get its proly best to go for a 4 city trad setup with 1 fastbuilded settler and 2 bought ones.

The one or 2 filler sp before ren can then be placed usefully in eco tree to get 3rd policy there before buying public schools.

edit: I totaly dont see why u d want kill ais - well yes snaging lost wonders might be good but the important ones u should vbuild yourself I guess ...
Cut a few turns off my last time, won in t.272 this time, still not great. Had a coastal Petra capital and 3 coastal expos with mountains. Shaka got frisky so I had to take his capital away. Founded one late expo to grab aluminum. Overall this went much smoother than my first attempt, although I didn't quite have enough science at the end to wrap it up. Probably should have built up my expos a bit more and maybe annexed Zulu lands.
Can I get an "Honorable Mention" for a 358 OCC lol
Totally forgot to uncheck the OCC box and just went with it, even with 62 pop, working all specialists, allied to almost all AI's with scholasticism, still only managed 787bpt with Freedom. You just get nothing from TR's and I ignored RA's altogether.

I actually had several games where I crossed 1600bpt but somehow borked my timings, and actually finished all the techs before I was done with my first spaceship part. I think 6 cities, bee line to tier 3 order before filling out rati after secularism is the key. The worlds fair finish comes super late, and I end up with 10k or so faith. This way I can rush parts and use the world fair to wrap up rati quickly and bulb the last techs with my remaining faith.
Tommy: I just can't stand the idea of an ASSYRIA SV without capturing cities, that's all. :p

It's hard without research agreements or cash trading, but the AI has no cash and pitiful tech on Chieftain, so it's not THAT much harder. However, you're probably looking at a minimum t230 victory with conquest vs t200-210 peaceful. My first try I only got 253 but that was TOTALLY my own fault. I made every classic SV mistake:

1) I forgot to secure aluminum until I had already finished all but one tech.. in other words, no hydro dam for like 70 turns...
2) I forgot to build Apollo Program until it was already preventing me from building parts...
3) I researched in the worst possible order and didn't tech spaceship factories or solar/nuclear plants until I was already ready to build parts.
4) I totally overshot on research. I finished the tree around t238 *WITHOUT faith GS*, so I ended up buying FOUR parts with GEs about 15 turns later when I finally had aluminum and Apollo... ugh.

Anyway, T253 ain't so bad, given all those mistakes and ZERO cash trades or RAs the entire game. :p

It's actually a pretty fast start. Assyria only needs 4 units to wipe out the nearest 3 civs. So, if you rush Mathematics and go for ToA and Hanging Gardens (which you should do anyway) you can build a few siege towers to complement your archers and that'll get you virtually every ancient era tech and a few classical if you're lucky. It speeds up the early game tech and you don't have to build as many settlers, leaving you time to build the GL and Pyramids as well. I had all of the above by t80 and 5 cities, due to lots of worker captures and mega-chopping, with only one hard-built (chopped) settler. I opened tradition to Landed Elite, detoured to open liberty, finished tradition after capturing Palenque to get the free aqueduct, finished all but the free settler in Liberty... then Rationalism except for last policy, no point in those because I had no RAs, then all Order until the finisher, which allowed me to get, all at once, with some careful World's Fair timing: PT, the Rationalism finisher, the Liberty finisher, Hubble, etc.... Popping all those GS and GE late kept my GS costs down during the game. I used Pisa to get another GW, which may seem odd, but getting a GE or GS that early basically loses you a GS later, and it comes right when you're about to get one naturally from Oracle/GL points.

Anyway, it's not *quite* as fast as using RAs and cash deals, but on Chieftain it's comparable. 1100 beakers by t200. 1500 by t220. I probably could have hit sub-t230 if I hadn't made all those mistakes... plus I got greedy and took Venice, which was a really crappy city and gave me no techs. Now THAT was stupid. :p
Cut a few turns off my last time, won in t.272 this time, still not great. Had a coastal Petra capital and 3 coastal expos with mountains. Shaka got frisky so I had to take his capital away. Founded one late expo to grab aluminum. Overall this went much smoother than my first attempt, although I didn't quite have enough science at the end to wrap it up. Probably should have built up my expos a bit more and maybe annexed Zulu lands.

Coastal is gimped for SV unless you're drowning in work boat improvements.

Best case scenario is desert hills/floodplains/forest/river with one mountain tile. ;)

That gets you lots of stuff to chop early, Desert Folklore for end-game faith, Observatories, which are *everything*, Hydro dams later, which are awesome, and Water mills, which helps.

Or maybe instead of desert, Citrus/Banana/Wheat start + Sun God, using the free prophet from Hagia to found a religion, taking Pilgrimage and the +2 faith from World Wonders, which you can get *a lot of*... if you can also get Borobodur, your faith is set for the game. And Sun God makes your expos grow super fast on the right map, which will really get things rolling.
In my first game, I made many of the same mistakes you did, especially securing aluminum too late and not building Apollo until far too late. Second game I managed logistics a lot better, I just didn't have the tech rate. Still shaved off 11 turns, but I really should have done better.

My capital had amazing growth and production in my second game, partly because of coastal trade routes, but also because of Petra and Tradition. (First game I did full Liberty with some Patronage and Commerce, instead of full Tradition with some Liberty.)
Oh yeah, I forgot about how powerful cargo ships are... that might even make up for how lame ocean tiles are. I think Patronage is a good choice for this setup, because the AI can't compete with you for CS love. Consulates might even be useful. Although, the CS tech rate is probably so far behind... /shrug
I pretty much ignored the CSes in my second game, didn't really miss them much. Had better culture and growth than my first game by pumping up the capital with cargo ships and Petra and Tradition, so much easier to run guilds.
Did you promote your archers to CBs before attacking, or are the Chieftain AIs weak enough to roll over with plain archers and siege engines?
Wow, paired siege engines are amazing. Even with the awful forested hill terrain they can practically just walk up to an early city and take it. Battering rams got nothing on them.

Looks like I may need to use this as a practice run and start over. All of my neighbors are very, very far away. I couldn't even start my first war until about t.80. This map probably would've been better for a peaceful game. I got a mountain marble start with a Mt. Sinai Petra location nearby and several other good inland expo sites.

What techs do you pick up on the way to Mathematics? I'm guessing you need Mining right away and also Pottery even though they aren't on the beeline.

Also, how do you fit in the early wonders and NC? I was hoping I could hold off on the GL a bit while I got the war machine rolling, but unfortunately it went on t.70 while I was headed to my first target.
Did you promote your archers to CBs before attacking, or are the Chieftain AIs weak enough to roll over with plain archers and siege engines?

I didn't promote. The AI is so weak on Chieftain you could probably capture every capital with two archers and two siege towers. Ok, maybe not, but it would be close. :p
won this turn 190

got kinda full video footage - might upload sometime.

pretty good finish time for a nonscience civ i guess ..

And yes 2 ST suported by 2 other units can take every capital up till turn 130 or so on this difficulty
Wow, paired siege engines are amazing. Even with the awful forested hill terrain they can practically just walk up to an early city and take it. Battering rams got nothing on them.

Looks like I may need to use this as a practice run and start over. All of my neighbors are very, very far away. I couldn't even start my first war until about t.80. This map probably would've been better for a peaceful game. I got a mountain marble start with a Mt. Sinai Petra location nearby and several other good inland expo sites.

What techs do you pick up on the way to Mathematics? I'm guessing you need Mining right away and also Pottery even though they aren't on the beeline.

Also, how do you fit in the early wonders and NC? I was hoping I could hold off on the GL a bit while I got the war machine rolling, but unfortunately it went on t.70 while I was headed to my first target.

Well, keep in mind that conquest isn't the optimal strategy. But, if you are going to conquer, you need to do so as early as possible before you completely outpace the AI in tech. I'm pretty sure by t70 the only reason the AI still had techs I didn't have was that I was intentionally not researching some of the low-level techs.

First things first, you need two scouts to go get those ruins, meet CS for gold, and scout out your expo and conquer spots.

You want two archers too, and they probably need to be focused on barbs to protect your workers and make Growth CS allies, etc., until you're ready to cap a few capitals.

Have your siege towers bully CS early on, but only ones that you don't need to be friends with. Early in the game 2 siege towers (heck maybe even one, I can't remember) is enough to bully a CS.

All that early money really needs to go to workers. (Or one purchased settler)

The #1 most important thing to do is to get your internal food trade routes going as soon as possible. As you already know. So get Sailing as soon as you have the cash for another caravan/cargo ship. Which should be as early as possible. You also want Engineering ASAP, but it can wait IMHO until after Civil Service and Education. I prioritize caravans over workers because an immediate +4 food is better than 24+ turns to get +4 food out of 4 farms, but still workers are key.

The second important thing you need to do is get workers early and get a lot of them. You need to be making good food tiles as fast as you can, and workers, even on this map, allow you to sell lux/strategics for at the very least some gpt. The sooner the better. DoW a neighbor as soon as they build a worker and capture it. Keep capturing the workers they build. Also DoW a nearby CS (one that's easy to steal from) but one that doesn't have a pledge to protect on them. Your goal is to have a ridiculous amount of workers. If any city is ever working a crappy food tile, you don't have enough workers.

Now, regarding conquest:

I think the optimal conquest-based SV approach on this map/settings/leader combo is to capture the capital of two AIs and get one more city each in a peace deal. The longer you wait to capture (to a point), the better, but you want to do it while they still have techs you don't. You want to capture them early enough to annex (after NC of course) and build them up fast. If you can get two capitals, you only need to build (or should I say buy) one or two settlers. I think 5 cities is the sweet spot, but really if you can't find another observatory spot, 4 is probably good enough. The less cities you have to build, the better, because that leaves more room in your build queue for everything else. Now, undeniably, peaceful is better... you can get 5 cities rolling early, and IMHO this will almost always lead to a faster finish time. And you're less at risk of having game-lasting hate. So, one alternative is to accept cities in peace deals and NOT capture the capitals. Either way, whether you capture the capitals or not, you want to be getting cities in peace deals. But, you should only keep cities you really need. Unique resources and good potential for growth, adjacent mountain, with river grassland or floodplains ideally. Close to your capital/expos if possible.

Here's where the strategy goes off the rails and into (IMHO) abuse of a bad game mechanic. I personally wish they'd change this, and I wish the HOF would consider it an exploit, but until that time, pyramids liberty pillage/repair is just so powerful you can't ignore it. Only keep the cities you get in a peace deal if they're *awesome*.

If they're not awesome... raze them. Ideally, the cities you get in a peace deal already have lots of improved tiles. Why? Because you're going to raze them to the ground and have horsemen pillaging the crap out of those improvements every turn until the game ends. All that money allows you to completely focus on growth and rush buy everything. You can easily achieve 200gpt from this. Any more than that is probably diminishing returns because of the number of workers you'd need to build/buy. I'm not sure if it's worth the reduced social policy gain to puppet, improve and *THEN* raze, especially because at the time you'd be improving them, you probably need all those workers improving your own cities. But that would get you more improved tiles...

So, now that we have enough money to rush-buy everything we'll ever need, we can talk about Wonders. If you're not winning the race to wonders, you don't have enough workers chopping. Plus, we don't really need to build anything after like t100 because of all the pillage and bully money. You should also have enough money to ally every damn CS worth allying.

Which wonders, and in which order? The GL is nice and IMHO worth it on Chieftain, but not until after Temple of Artemis and Hanging Gardens. ToA doesn't need to be built in your capital. Hanging Gardens should be placed in your capital with NC. Early Oracle + GL is a nice early boost to GS points, plus you need the extra social policy because you're doing Tradition + at least the Liberty opener. You also need Pyramids, you also need NC... sounds like a lot of hammers, right? Well, they don't need to all be in the same city, and this is why you need workers. CHOP! :)

The order of ToA, HG, GL, NC and Oracle is something I'm not 100% sure on but you should definitely be chopping out ToA in an expo. Last time I did HG,GL,NC, and Oracle in that order in the capital, with ToA in an expo. But, that meant I was doing a 2-city NC instead of a 1-city NC. I just don't think a one-city NC is practical, because you can't get workers early enough to chop out the GL & NC and still get everything else you need early.

Regarding tech, I do rush to Mathematics, but I try to pick up all the basic lux/strategics along the way. Also, relatively early Writing for GL, and Calendar right before you complete it so you can rush Philosophy. If you time it right, you're building NC that next turn. So you do need to get a Library up early. But only one really. You can chop out a fast early NC before you annex your "expos"... ;)

Anyway, you should be able to get every worthwhile Wonder after t100, but really it's all about early science buildings. You really also should try to get a religion going ASAP. You still want faith for GS/GE at the end. (4 GS, 2 GE IMHO, one GE for Hubble, the other for the last spaceship part)

I recognize that this is a heck of a lot to think about, but you can probably pull off a t220 win this way. Of course, if you do it peaceful, you could pull off t200. Even the pitiful RA beakers on Chieftain help.

One thing to keep in mind... early city capture works best if people don't know you. You won't have any friends otherwise. And friends equal tons of cash. So, you have to adjust to the map. If you can completely eliminate two nearby civs before meeting anyone else, it's probably worth it. If not, you might be better off only taking cities in peace deals, because the free techs really are a drop in the bucket. Mostly I take the capitals because you can build a siege tower faster than a settler and I just can't play Assyria without taking a city. ;-)

Ultimately, the effectiveness of this is highly dependent on the map.

I'd be curious to hear Tommy's approach to get t190. It's probably a lot of worker-stealing, but otherwise much more peaceful. :p
Well I ll do a little go -through

my cap BO was something like:
scout scout shrine warrior warrior (maybe even 3? monument worker granny caravan settler settler GL NC Petra

sp typical lib/trad mix
1 trad
finish Trad
Finish Order/Rati/LIberty in crazzy Games times.

Other cities went Monument-Library-shrine-wonders.
Rush buying grannies with trade money in every new city.

Tried demande tribute a bit but wasnt too scussesful with it, instead I swarmed the units all over map and stole 2+later Settler workers from1 civ (no CS worker steals).
But mainly these units made fast contacts with all civs and found all but 2 CS (which been in ocean) - kind of every CS gave camp kill quests so I had allied most CS fast.

Diplomacy wise I got friends with all but 1 or 2 civs and could therefore get their money. Thats why making fast contacts is so important - civ need like 20 turns contacts before they can become friends.

Civ USUALLY on low difficulty get 200-400 gold early and get into deficit in midgame. So I could get their early money before they went guarded when I took 2 capitals - when they been broke anyway.
Well with Machu and huge cap my gpt skyrocketed fast anyway ...

After 4 city NC I build 1 more city to have 2 coastals who could feed each other. All other food caravans to cap.
After I saw spain building temple of artemis I build a st for it
Then built 2 more ST to take dutch Hagning garden cap.

Problem was that cap demanded citrons which were worked by venice very late ..

Well then it was spam wonders/grow complete quests ... In end try have good timing ..
Build 2 parts in cap (4 turns each) and 1 in 2 other cities (8t)- 2 got rushed by Engis.

Well without desert foklore land all of this is a bit slower - not like my land was 100% perfect but a desert/floodplain/mountain start is just really useful ...

And on cromagus thoughts:
delaying contacs is very bad idea, U want find all civs and CS FAST!!!

Yes you want workers but u want em really focus on workking lux and other tiles - midterm boost/selling lux much more important as short term boost.

Yes U want a lot of wonders - the ones u should build yourself: GL Petra Oracle CI Pyras Sistine.
You can capture wonders like: Temple, Colosus, HG,

IF U build HG yourself allways do it in a nonrivered civ - not blindly in cap!

Also NC >> HG/temple - you want get CS asap and there is the fast NC VERY important!
I ALLWAYS try to do it with gl for Philo to open early tech tree for other techs

Also I dont agree on pillage repair - you want use the workers on working your city tiles not on getting few gold. Also when u consider the upkeep from the worker and the units needing to protect it and the fact that u dont want waste sp into worker early the side costs of pillage repair are way higher as the gain u THINK you get.
Also I want use my units for more important things - mainly doing barbs kills ...

You are really on wrong track there - same for domination games - forget about gathering xp and pillage heal all over but do what units are designed for - CONQUER - u gain much more from that - can allways sell a city if u really dont want it.

edit: the bakkers in the final SS are after selling all Science buildings for Space/Nucc fatories
I jumped to 1500+ in turn 161 after RS labs and then to 1850-1950 in turn 175-185 when I went full science focus.


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Well done, Tom. I'd certianly watch you play on your channel. It's always inspiring.
Why this... "IF U build HG yourself allways do it in a nonrivered"? Because that gives the city a garden it couldn't otherwise build itself? Seems like a silly reason not to put the HG in the city that needs to get tallest.

Also, it seems like you waste much growth in the capital by waiting and hoping someone else builds it. Same with ToA... so much growth opportunity lost. I agree with doing GL straight into NC, but HG and especially ToA are so powerful for growth. You can get enough gold to not have to build settlers, and that frees your capital up to build HG before GL... so it doesn't really delay GL, and instead, your capital has boosted growth while building GL/NC, which finishes them faster. Petra is great too, if you got a desert start. :p But, if your capital doesn't have desert, HG is the obvious next choice to me. Your capital needs the most growth, so HG should be there. ToA can be anywhere, so first expo, finishing soon after your other expos are done, IMHO.

Because of the speed of SP acquisition, it might make more sense to do 2 Tradition then 3 liberty so you never have to build monuments. But, that means not getting settlers out until t39 even with a culture ruin. And you obviously blew away my finish time so... :p

Regarding avoiding meeting people: I was only suggesting that in the case where you're rushing early siege towers and capturing cities instead of building expos. I see your point about making friends early, of course. But if you're trying to get free techs from city capture on Chieftain, you absolutely need to capture cities early, and doing that without long-term diplomatic repercussions means wiping out that civ before meeting anyone else. And as I mentioned, it wouldn't work on every map. And of course, clearly the piddly amount of tech you get from city capture isn't as optimal as starting out peaceful. But *what is the point of Assyria SV without city capture*?? Personally, I think this difficulty level was a poor choice for the gauntlet, because Assyria has virtually no opportunity to take advantage of their UA on Chieftain. You aren't using siege towers, you don't benefit from the royal library, and you don't get techs from capture.... greeeeat. Hence, I wanted to go with a city-capture-oriented approach, optimal or not.

On Deity, you could reasonably capture a few capitals on t90-100 without ruining diplomacy, and actually get decent techs out of it, but I understand they can't make every HOF game Deity. :p

And regarding pillage-repair... it more than makes up for it. If you make sure to snipe tons of workers, 1 horseman + 3 workers pillage-repairing improvements on roads generates around 50gpt. 3 sets of those = 150gpt. The net after maintenace is over 125gpt. This is easy to achieve if you raze a couple cities.

You don't pay for the roads because they aren't considered yours anymore after the city is razed, so as long as you build them while the city is burning, it's no problem.

It does however make every turn a *boring as hell* click-fest, but there's no doubt in my mind that it's worth investing in that. Even if you rush-bought all 3 workers and the horseman, you recoup the cost in 10 turns. But you didn't rush-buy the workers. You captured them. So you're really only recouping the horseman. You can do the same with a scout, but he can only pillage 2 tiles per turn.

Yes, it's cheesy, and pillage-repair should be fixed or banned, but 100-200gpt pays for rush-buying all your science buildings... seems like a no-brainer.

And, with the approach I was going for, it makes a lot of sense:

* I'm building siege towers instead of settlers, and capturing capitals to use as expos.
* I'm razing the other cities anyway, unless they're awesome.
* Those tile improvements are just going to sit there the whole game anyway if I don't pillage/repair them... so why not?

It's always map-dependent, of course. If I'm surrounded by Maritime CS, I'm certainly not going to perma-DoW to steal enough workers, and the nearby AIs won't generate enough workers before they're dead. And in that case, no I wouldn't waste my precious workers on pillage-repairing instead of building farms. My assumption was that I had more than enough workers to go around... which is usually the case if you make it a priority.
Oh, and yes, I'd love to see the video too. You clearly are doing SOMETHING way more efficiently than I am. Even on my traditional peaceful starts I've never gotten below t200 for a SV.
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