GLSMAC - Open-source OpenGL/SDL2 remaster of SMAC

Added SMAC brushes, more will come in future (i.e. round ones), maybe also 'intensity' or 'speed' sliders, variable brush size slider, etc.
It's a bit laggy with 9x9 brush, but that's 81 tiles to update and reload on every iteration (and there are like 10-15 per second). Once map loading/reloading will be multithreaded it may become 5x-7x faster so lags won't be noticeable anymore. Smaller brushes are already fast.
Now I just need to add other tools (elevations was the hardest btw) and minimap update, and map editor kinda done.
Added other stuff and terraforming (except for roads/magtubes). I'll resize/align them better a bit later.


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Added some menus and file browser UI -
Took a while (UI is always time-consuming when element needs to be done for first time), but I like how it looks/feels. v0.2 is very close now, all functionality is there, just need to do some optimizations and map saving/loading, so just a couple more days :)

Update: more cool features
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Did some sprite optimizations today, then tried to kill FPS with terraforming :lol:

Average PC - ~200000 sprites, ~75 FPS

Low-end VM - ~65000 sprites, ~59 FPS

There are more possible optimizations (such as lazy rendering) but for now it looks fast enough :cool:
Added proper handling of map settings: ocean coverage, erosive forces, native lifeforms, cloud cover. Map generator is still basic but generates map with requested settings accurately.


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Just had issue where moons in main menu overlapped 'Sid' word, then it turned out they screwed SMACX background so it happens in original SMACX too.
However, this doesn't happen with original logo.
Then I also gave it some thought - and it really makes sense to put logo with name of actual game (Alpha Centauri) than of expansion, right? For example we don't want to confuse new players to think the game is called 'Alien Crossfire'.
Original logo also looks good with moons.
Are there any reasons to use Alien Crossfire text in main menu? For now I think - why not use original 'Alpha Centauri' logo but with Alien Crossfire theme. Also, logo color itself may be changed by opengl into something other than blue. Colors of menus and UI can be modified too. What do you think?


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Then I also gave it some thought - and it really makes sense to put logo with name of actual game (Alpha Centauri) than of expansion, right? For example we don't want to confuse new players to think the game is called 'Alien Crossfire'.
So my initial thought would be to say that if this is only a graphics update (and I use that word "only" very loosely here, as your work here is pretty awesome!), then yes just stick with the Alpha Centauri name. However a) how do you differentiate/emphasize to everyone your mod differs from the vanilla game, and b) if your planning on more than "just" a graphics buff, then how do you differentiate from the vanilla Alpha Centauri game? In either case I think you'd want to get that advertising/name brand out there sooner than later, if only so that all players (old and new) understand that this is something different/new/better.

Are there any reasons to use Alien Crossfire text in main menu? For now I think - why not use original 'Alpha Centauri' logo but with Alien Crossfire theme. Also, logo color itself may be changed by opengl into something other than blue. Colors of menus and UI can be modified too. What do you think?
Based on my comments above I don't think there is any reason to use the Alien Crossfire name. Other than that my only comment is keep up what your doing! :thumbsup:

So my initial thought would be to say that if this is only a graphics update (and I use that word "only" very loosely here, as your work here is pretty awesome!), then yes just stick with the Alpha Centauri name.
There will be several steps. First - yes, graphics update, proper networking, raising/removing some SMAC limits, fixing bugs, speed improvements (for example, multithreading). There will be few balance fixes aswell, notably - probes will be nerfed in several ways because they are way too overpowered in multiplayer. Also secret projects will auto-cancel and refund minerals when somebody else completes it (instead of allowing player to keep building it forever and then switch to something he just researched to insta-finish in 1 turn). There will still be options like 'Legacy Probes' for those who truly want old behavior, but defaults will be without overpowered/broken things so that multiplayer would be enjoyable for new players. But only big balance issues will be fixed by default, others will come as optional options on game start.
Gameplay won't match SMAC's 100%, there may be subtle differences, but the goal is to preserve the overall feel. All rules like units, buildings and technologies will stay the same, AI will be different (hopefully - better), probes fixed (infiltration will last for limited time, probes won't be able to use armor, no foil and cruiser probes). Also, for example, there was a bug with you could select Formers, then press (if I remember correctly) Ctrl+Shift+S and it would build farm + solar collector + road on volcano (while farms aren't allowed there). Such bugs will be fixed too.
Second step - after v1.0 is done - is various 'quality of life' improvements that don't change gameplay drastically. Replays, game browser, voice chat, and so on. Maybe game auto-updater? Somewhere at that time modding support will be added too, so somebody may start porting original SMAC mods or creating new ones (modding API will be much more advanced and powerful than editing some alphax.ini, most likely it will be JavaScript based and include automated mods management, such as downloading from host to players when they join his game, modular mod loading where only needed for specific game are loaded, dependency tracking, ...).
Then in v2.0 more crazy features will come, maybe they'll be implemented as mods because it's easier.
But there will always be option 'Force classic mode' that will disable all extras that were not in original game.
In either case I think you'd want to get that advertising/name brand out there sooner than later, if only so that all players (old and new) understand that this is something different/new/better.
For now I added small label to right top corner of main menu, should be clear enough that it's not original SMAC now :)

Just added planet/moon effects to main menu as in original SMAC


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Doing some serious refactoring rn, so not much to show.
Big leap forward was moving map processing to separate thread, so it doesn't freeze UI anymore and proper loaders can be added
. It was also needed for networking.
Also small heads up - I got new job starting from tomorrow so I'll focus on it to make good performance, I'll still work on GLSMAC every day, just not 24/7 as usually :lol: Except for weekends.
Also I'll configure automatic builds for linux, freebsd, windows and (maybe)macos soon so non-programmers will be able to download and test it too :crazyeye:
I just had to create an account for this..
This is absolutely amazing.. keep up the fantastic work! My mind is blown!!
Fingers crossed for a working mac version ;D
There will be several steps. First - yes, graphics update, proper networking, raising/removing some SMAC limits, fixing bugs, speed improvements (for example, multithreading). There will be few balance fixes aswell, notably - probes will be nerfed in several ways because they are way too overpowered in multiplayer. Also secret projects will auto-cancel and refund minerals when somebody else completes it (instead of allowing player to keep building it forever and then switch to something he just researched to insta-finish in 1 turn). There will still be options like 'Legacy Probes' for those who truly want old behavior, but defaults will be without overpowered/broken things so that multiplayer would be enjoyable for new players. But only big balance issues will be fixed by default, others will come as optional options on game start.
Gameplay won't match SMAC's 100%, there may be subtle differences, but the goal is to preserve the overall feel. All rules like units, buildings and technologies will stay the same, AI will be different (hopefully - better), probes fixed (infiltration will last for limited time, probes won't be able to use armor, no foil and cruiser probes). Also, for example, there was a bug with you could select Formers, then press (if I remember correctly) Ctrl+Shift+S and it would build farm + solar collector + road on volcano (while farms aren't allowed there). Such bugs will be fixed too.
Second step - after v1.0 is done - is various 'quality of life' improvements that don't change gameplay drastically. Replays, game browser, voice chat, and so on. Maybe game auto-updater? Somewhere at that time modding support will be added too, so somebody may start porting original SMAC mods or creating new ones (modding API will be much more advanced and powerful than editing some alphax.ini, most likely it will be JavaScript based and include automated mods management, such as downloading from host to players when they join his game, modular mod loading where only needed for specific game are loaded, dependency tracking, ...).
Then in v2.0 more crazy features will come, maybe they'll be implemented as mods because it's easier.
But there will always be option 'Force classic mode' that will disable all extras that were not in original game.

For now I added small label to right top corner of main menu, should be clear enough that it's not original SMAC now :)

Just added planet/moon effects to main menu as in original SMAC
Hey, just to clarify: will this remake allow for moe than 7 factions? It was probably the biggest downside of the otherwise excellent original game.
Also, a single-player one-faction-only option, where you just play sandbox would really be great!
Will either of these be possible in your version?
Thank you for your answer and for the amazing work you're doing!
Hey, just to clarify: will this remake allow for moe than 7 factions? It was probably the biggest downside of the otherwise excellent original game.
Also, a single-player one-faction-only option, where you just play sandbox would really be great!
Will either of these be possible in your version?
Thank you for your answer and for the amazing work you're doing!
Thanks, yes it will be as flexible as possible, no need to put any limits because no need to support PCs from 1995
Dealing with some depression atm, I'll continue development as soon as I can. Dw, I'll be fine, it's my usual cycle :crazyeye:
Thanks, yes it will be as flexible as possible, no need to put any limits because no need to support PCs from 1995
Dealing with some depression atm, I'll continue development as soon as I can. Dw, I'll be fine, it's my usual cycle :crazyeye:
Yeah I'm going through some seasonal winter blues myself. Remember to go outside for a nice walk and get some sun on your face mate! These days its too easy to blow a whole day sitting alone in front of a pc and it might seem like fun but like with most things in life, it's best in moderation haha.
There will be several steps. First - yes, graphics update, proper networking, raising/removing some SMAC limits, fixing bugs, speed improvements (for example, multithreading). There will be few balance fixes aswell, notably - probes will be nerfed in several ways because they are way too overpowered in multiplayer. Also secret projects will auto-cancel and refund minerals when somebody else completes it (instead of allowing player to keep building it forever and then switch to something he just researched to insta-finish in 1 turn). There will still be options like 'Legacy Probes' for those who truly want old behavior, but defaults will be without overpowered/broken things so that multiplayer would be enjoyable for new players. But only big balance issues will be fixed by default, others will come as optional options on game start.
Gameplay won't match SMAC's 100%, there may be subtle differences, but the goal is to preserve the overall feel. All rules like units, buildings and technologies will stay the same, AI will be different (hopefully - better), probes fixed (infiltration will last for limited time, probes won't be able to use armor, no foil and cruiser probes). Also, for example, there was a bug with you could select Formers, then press (if I remember correctly) Ctrl+Shift+S and it would build farm + solar collector + road on volcano (while farms aren't allowed there). Such bugs will be fixed too.
Second step - after v1.0 is done - is various 'quality of life' improvements that don't change gameplay drastically. Replays, game browser, voice chat, and so on. Maybe game auto-updater? Somewhere at that time modding support will be added too, so somebody may start porting original SMAC mods or creating new ones (modding API will be much more advanced and powerful than editing some alphax.ini, most likely it will be JavaScript based and include automated mods management, such as downloading from host to players when they join his game, modular mod loading where only needed for specific game are loaded, dependency tracking, ...).
Then in v2.0 more crazy features will come, maybe they'll be implemented as mods because it's easier.
But there will always be option 'Force classic mode' that will disable all extras that were not in original game.

For now I added small label to right top corner of main menu, should be clear enough that it's not original SMAC now :)

Just added planet/moon effects to main menu as in original SMAC
Hey, if I may make a suggestion, or rather offer an alternative perspective. I'd suggest that the probes keep the ability to use armour. There's nothing unrealistic about it. Special ops units, even ones dealing with stealth, can still have advanced weaponry, especially when they serve a dual role, guarding the base as police or defence against mindworms. Armour doesn't necessarily make them less stealth.
Also, why not keep the option to have foil or cruiser probes? There are sea bases and it only stands to reason that there should be naval operatives, specialised for infiltrating or policing those.
Love the idea about limited time infiltration though!
So, pretty please with cherries and cream on top, can the probes keep their features from the original game? :)
Once again, thank you for this excellent work and I hope you're doing well!
Hey, if I may make a suggestion, or rather offer an alternative perspective. I'd suggest that the probes keep the ability to use armour. There's nothing unrealistic about it. Special ops units, even ones dealing with stealth, can still have advanced weaponry, especially when they serve a dual role, guarding the base as police or defence against mindworms. Armour doesn't necessarily make them less stealth.
Also, why not keep the option to have foil or cruiser probes? There are sea bases and it only stands to reason that there should be naval operatives, specialised for infiltrating or policing those.
Love the idea about limited time infiltration though!
So, pretty please with cherries and cream on top, can the probes keep their features from the original game? :)
Once again, thank you for this excellent work and I hope you're doing well!
Even if we consider probes "special ops" (which imo they aren't and are just covert infiltrators, hackers and spies) then it's not realistic still because no special ops can defend against actual military invasions (with tanks, air and stuff). What happened in original is armoured probe could defend base vs actual military infantry and military vehicles (if I remember correctly), this is not what spies (or even special ops) do. Also how realistic is special ops or hackers defending base vs air strikes?
Also it's not only about realism, but also about balanced gameplay. In original you could put 50 armoured probes into base, they costed 0 support and made base completely invulnerable to anything except for planet buster. It was the best way to play if you had good production and/or enough time to stack probes before enemy got close.
About foil and cruiser probe teams - they are too fast and also cost no support, so if you know somebody is about to research air power or something else important - you could just stack 10-20 cruiser probe teams in vicinity of his sea/coast bases, hide in fungus and then you will be guaranteed to steal air power and there is nothing he could do to prevent it. If you had good production you could just build 100+ cruiser probe teams and put your research to 0% since you are guaranteed to steal everything anyway. This isn't balanced or fun. Putting probes to transport foils will at least cost support, and it's more expensive to build and easier to lose (if found - you'll lose transport + all probes in it instead of just one probe). Land probes are not that unbalanced because they aren't that fast and can be stopped in time. Maybe that's also the reason why there weren't air probes, they just didn't think cruiser probes were too fast aswell.
Anyway, there will be 'Legacy Probes' option for those who want it, it's about reasonable defaults for new players (they are unlikely to like it when getting completely owned by probes every game without any visible possible counters except for going all-in probes themselves).

Oh and by the way, I'll resume development this weekend :crazyeye:
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