Graphic glitches


Dec 6, 2002
Hello all!

I've been playing Civilization 4/Warlords for a while without any graphic problems. I bought a new screen (Samsung SyncMaster 203B) and reinstalled windows afterwards.
Since then I'm having a very strange graphic issue as you can see in the screenshot. It often starts with some minor graphic glitches on the map, some pixel that are distorted on each map square at the same position. Then, every now and then, I have some black polygons/rectangles that are pinpointed to one place, so when I scroll the map, the rectangle/polygon is stretched along with the map scrolling either increasing or decreasing in size. I might as well have it immediately when I start the game and sometimes it doesn't occur at all (but that's becoming an exception though...)

I have an ATI 9800 Pro w 128mb ram, intel 82801 mobo and an intel hyperthreading CPU of 3.0Ghz.

ATI driver version:
Driver Packaging Version 8.282-060802a-035722C-ATI
CATALYST® Version 06.8
Provider ATI Technologies Inc.
2D Driver Version
2D Driver File Path System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{493C0D4D-7B6C-42A9-AC0D-D0273B197877}\0000
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
CATALYST® Control Center Version 1.2.2405.30455

I have no clue what's wrong, I played civ4 well ever since it came out.

Attached you can find the dxdiag log.
The screenshot can be found in post

Many many thanks!

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • DxDiag.txt
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