Graphical slowdowns on game load


Sep 22, 2010
Sometimes when I load a saved game, the graphics are much more choppy than usual. I usually get a smooth framerate -- 30 fps or more. When this bug occurs, that drops to four. The only way to fix it appears to be reloading the game. The problem does not appear to be connected to any particular saved game, because loading the exact same save works as expected if I restart the game program first.

The problem doesn't appear to have any relationship to the size of the game I'm playing the current stage of the game, or any other in-game occurrence I can detect. I also checked the resource monitor and none of my resources were maxed out. There was also no other visible difference in the game besides the slowdown.

Now I'll tell you my hardware:

CPU: Phenom X3 720 Black Edition
1680x1050 DX10/11 mode, all settings high, 2xAA.

Let me know if there is more useful information I can provide.
A standard question that the devs would ask, have you updated your drivers?
I appreciate that question, because after I did this issue seems to have gone away. I will ping the thread if they recur. Been so long since I bought a new game that I forgot that this is the first thing to check.

I noticed my frame rates are fine until a leader screen pops then it seems to slow down until I reload the game. Is there a reason the game seems to be buggy like that?

Are there ways to disable leaderscreens?

What about just to make the game run better?

My specs:

OS windows 7 64bit (reformat on brand new ssd drive 1 week ago)
intel quad core 2.4gz
asus p5b se motherboard
6k ddr ram
ocz agility 2 ssd 60 gig drive (75% full)
nvidia geforce 8800gt with lastest drivers
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