

Oct 27, 2014
One of the features i quite liked in warlock master of the arcane, was the ability to build a harbor inside a cities area of influence removing the need to position a city directly at the water to produce naval units. I find it really influences most games quite significantly if your first city can produce naval units for exploration early on.

So i would really like the ability to build a tile improvement with a similar effect, it should be quite expensive to build and maintain but allow the production of naval units in cities not directly placed at the water. As naval warfare is always quite difficult depending on the number of cities that can actually produce such units. Also with water resources being quite rare, cities directly placed at water are usually at a disadvantage when compared to "normal" cities.

This was a great feature of Warlock that I enjoyed too. However, unlike warlock, Civ uses workers to build improvements instead of the improvements being done at the city screen. It might be challenging to add in teaching the AI and your auto workers how to use it.

Coastal cities should still only be able to launch trade vessels, as that is the tradeoff to being coastal or land locked.
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