[DLL] (7-NS) Embarked units lose movement points when starting next to enemy naval units

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Feb 23, 2020
Inspired by the discussion on interception on the canal proposal, This proposal aims to help navies better intercept naval invasions, making them essential for conquering overseas.

Proposal part 1
Embarked units lose all movement points when starting turn next to an enemy naval unit. (Since Boarding Party 3 effect leaves even 4 move ships with 1 move, this should in effect leave the embarked units with 1 move)
All Naval combat unit tooltips have “All enemy Embarked Units lose their Movement Points when starting their turn next to Naval Units” added to it.

If you have endured the horrors of trying to stop embarked barbarians when all you have are 1-2 ships, you can see that ships are currently ineffective at stopping an embarked enemy from simply waltzing across the ocean towards your land unless you have enough to form a wall to block them. The problem is that units can quickly escape away from the ship onto land or outside vision range where they are mostly safer. This reduces the value of navies that a naval invasion tends to bring way more land units than ships.

This also does not make sense since naval invasions from the Punic wars to D-Day required the attacker to dominate the seas. Meanwhile it is easy in the game to land in a navally contested area, and even units not covered by a naval unit can easily flee to safety if other ships come.

This proposal allows naval units to “catch” unguarded embarked units and doom them to sink if you dont send navies of your own to save them. This also allows ships to disrupt the tempo of naval invasions and tie down embarked units.

To ensure amphibious themed units and scouts can still do their jobs, this new mechanic will have some exceptions.

Proposal part 2
Recon units and units with Amphibious and similar promotions do not lose their moves when starting next to enemy naval units. Unit and promotion descriptions will have “Unit does not lose movement points when starting their turn next to enemy Naval Units” added to it to reflect this.

List of UCs that are also excepted:
Anything that Starts with Embarkation with Defense
- Conquistador
- Mercenaries
Notable units with Amphibious
- Berserker

Overall Implications
- Under-escorted Naval Invasions can be stopped or greatly slowed by a few well-placed or sneaky ships
- Most embarked units will not be able to escape from running into enemy navies without their own naval escorts
- Undefended embarked units are much more vulnerable to ships, but the owner can still react and save the unit by rushing a nearby ship to it.
- Having navies are much more important to smoothly move units overseas
- (Hopefully) Navies can be more useful
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I'd hate to have my island-hopping barbarian hunting squad die just because one barbarian ship sees them and decides to ram into them. Can't really afford to waste XP on Amphibious.

Currently you can already stop all embarked units by having a ship every 2 tiles on the borders unless they ignore ZoC.
Well you better start bringing proper ships if you wanna cross the high seas!:D

Personally I always bring 1-2 ships for barb hunts since healing is slow and I dont want to get chipped or lose an injured embark. Bringing no ships is too reckless for me.

The main point here is that I want to address complaints that navy isn’t impactful enough, and I think this proposal is a step in the right direction for what place navy has in the game. Needing ships for any overseas expedition also just makes more sense.
Seems overly convoluted (an additional rule players need to learn/remember) compared to just increasing the damage embarked units take again.
My main issue with this is that amphibious warfare is still hard for the AI. It’s gotten better but it’s a weakness. I think this just twists the knife on them further.

In a perfect world I agree this makes sense, but I don’t want to hurt the AI in an area that it already struggles in
The naval ability to stop embarked units is underwhelming. This would improve that ability. The question is whether it makes it too easy to stifle naval invasion, which as pointed out is an AI weak point. Not sure.

Some possible amendments:

Only full HP naval unit applies this effect -- want to land your invasion unfettered? Bring just a handful of naval to knock a few HP off the blockading fleet, create a corridor between ships etc.

Or maybe naval can have zoc extended, though this might be trickier than it sounds
Well, in past versions, naval could really trounce undefended embarked units -- this is rather satisfying thematically, but the AI is particularly bad at stacking naval units on top of embarked as escorts, so we buffed embarked units such that naval attacks are much more plinky against embarked than they once were.

There is a subjective element here but I think it's a common expectation that a warship should really be able to have it's way with an undefended transport, sink it quite easily -- or at least prevent it from moving towards the shore as proposed here. The ideal state from this perspective is to have embarked weak to naval attack, but the AI near-equal to human at escorting them -- but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Ultimately this kind of thing in proposal confers a decided advantage to human, as it makes positioning of individual units much more important and AI is not precise enough in its positioning analysis to optimize. But imo this is okay cuz the AI will still make some kind of suboptimal use of it and gain some advantage defending, I enjoy these kinds of things that add subtle depth to combat decisions without big sweeping changes. When these get added, AI tends to get adapted eventually, even if not planned right away
Sure, I understand this... But I would find this more persuasive if described in gameplay terms. To some extent, congress is supposed to be about considering new rules and new exceptions to rules. Some rules feel very natural and work well in game, others are confusing and chaotic in their resulting vibe, I think there's a chance here that we may get the former not the latter.

This might be one of those congress ideas that needs trialing via modmod to evaluate, I think we don't do this enough, generally speaking. So many proposals could include an actual working model... This one might need new code however to apply movement penalty only to embarked, not sure. I don't know if it takes anything away from the intended effect if we were to just apply the existing effect that applies to all adjacent units, not just embarked
Does the minus movement from boarding promotion apply to embarked units ?
I could see attaching this to the Boarding Party Promotion, but I think applying it to all naval units might be a bit much.
If naval units aren’t doing a good enough job in intercepting embarked units, then the fix is to make them deal more damage. Adding a new rule change is unnecessary, and won’t make boats more fun.
If naval units aren’t doing a good enough job in intercepting embarked units, then the fix is to make them deal more damage. Adding a new rule change is unnecessary, and won’t make boats more fun.
are we of the opinion that the AI can handle this these days? I still often see embarked units with no escort; going back to high naval vs embarked dmg will disproportionately limit AI
I think the current paradigm is fine as is.

OP cited the city canal discussion, but I wasn’t saying that the current naval units are bad at intercepting, I said that if you make cities invulnerable to naval units then intercepting embarked units is all they are capable of doing.
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