Having a LOT of trouble hosting a game....


Nov 5, 2001
Hey all, I've got a bit of a problem here. My friend and I are trying to connect to each other to play civ 2 gold, (both with latest 1.3 patch), but we cannot seem to connect to each other. I have a DSL behind a firewall, and he's on normal 56k through AOL. I think I have enabled tcp and udp packets through port 4993, but I'm not sure if there may be something special I have to do. The strange thing is that I should be able to connect to him regardless of MY firewall.

Any help would be greatly appriciated. We used to play together years ago when I still had 56k, now we'd really love to play again, but this DSL thing just isn't going too well.

Thanks in advance,

Okay, two things. Firstly tcp is on port 4993, udp is on port 4994. Most clients should just use tcp though so that probably isn't your issue.
Secondly you must enable port forwarding. These are my redirect rules, for a FreeBSD firewall using ipf -

rdr rl1 {firewall ext_ip}/32 port 4993 -> {win2k games box} port 4993
rdr rl1 {firewall ext_ip}/32 port 4994 -> {win2k games box} port 4994

For these to work your firewall must have port forwarding enabled and some kind of NAT running. If you can't translate those rules tell me your OS and firewall program, I can help you write them.
Well, I'm not sure I understand those. I'm running windows XP using a d-link di-604 router. Under my "firewall" settings, I have it so that any IP coming through the WAN, going to, (my computer), with both the tcp and udp packet protocoal, on port 4993, will be accepted. It's still not working though
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