Any Advice for playing Civ 2 Gold over Hamachi?


Oct 30, 2021
Hello all! Last weekend I was messing around with Hamachi trying to set it up so I could play Civ 2 over the internet but I couldn't seem to get it to go no matter what I did. I had my friend allow hamachi and Civ 2 through the firewall and I was able to ping him via hamachi but we could not get Civ 2 to connect either over the Internet multiplayer or Network multiplayer TCP/IP (IPX/SPX didn't even allow for it). I have however gotten the game patched and working perfectly from a fresh install taken from a Windows 98 machine and it works absolutely perfectly on Windows 10 with the videos and everything. Any idea what I'm missing?

Also check it out, it works in Ultrawidescreen 32:9!
If your friend is the owner of Windows 7, you will not be able to use Hamachi. This program only works well for windows 8 and 10.
No I think he has Windows 10 from the screen shots of his desktop he sent me when we were setting it up. lol He's not even mildly computer savvy which makes things more difficult. lol
Well, in that case, there are no technical obstacles to playing through Hamachi. It all depends on how interested you are in this game. Get some patience and double-check the entire connection protocol. Help your friend if he is not good at computers. Judging by your comment, you see your friend's icon in Hamachi "yellow triangle" - an unstable connection. It can occur for many reasons: blocking by a firewall, bad internet, different versions of civ2, and so on.
Well we can rule out a few, I stepped him through adding it to the firewall, I did not however know about the multiplayer fix for Windows 10 but we can also eliminate the different versions since his copy is my copy. Or a copy of my copy I should say.
I haven't quite gotten it to work but we were able to connect to eachother over hamachi using the internet game function. However when it goes to build the world it just says waiting for players on his side and kinda freezes on "Building the world" for me.
Observe a strict sequence of nations. The host should see a connecting player in the waiting window. When it appears, the host chooses "start the game". the "select nation" window opens in front of you. The connecting player chooses the nation first. When the host sees that one of the nations has been chosen, only then can he choose the nation himself and move on.
If you have not been able to set up Hamachi for the game so far, try the Radmin program. It definitely works for Windows 7, 8 and 10. We have tested 3 PCs with these operating systems, the program works great for Civ2.
Hello all! Last weekend I was messing around with Hamachi trying to set it up so I could play Civ 2 over the internet but I couldn't seem to get it to go no matter what I did. I had my friend allow hamachi and Civ 2 through the firewall and I was able to ping him via hamachi but we could not get Civ 2 to connect either over the Internet multiplayer or Network multiplayer TCP/IP (IPX/SPX didn't even allow for it). I have however gotten the game patched and working perfectly from a fresh install taken from a Windows 98 machine and it works absolutely perfectly on Windows 10 with the videos and everything. Any idea what I'm missing?

Also check it out, it works in Ultrawidescreen 32:9!View attachment 613460
These sorts of issues, going way back, are why PBEM has traditionally been the favoured form of multi-player for the Civ2 (Vanilla, FW, MGE, and ToT) community, here, and on Apolyton. Though, admittedly, it doesn't work as well for a casual evening's game with a single friend.
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