HELP! Mod Art not loading for custom civ


Jan 16, 2021
Hey guys!

While finalizing my custom civ, I am mostly stuck at getting the appropriate art to appear in-game. There are three main problems right now:

1. Leader does not appear in in-game leader screen. He appears at the leader selection and the loading screen, however. But in the leader screen, it's just good old Cleopatra in front of the correct custom background.

2. The Unique District 3D model is not loading, although I am pretty sure everything is correct in the artdefs and dependency file. It's not a custom model and instead should just be the Holy Site model reused
(BONUS PROBLEM: Great Prophets cannot currently found a religion on the Holy Site replacement. Anyone knows a quick fix to that?).

3. The in-game icons for the Unique Unit (Settler replacement) and Unique District (Holy Site replacement) are missing. It should just be the regular settler holy site icons.

The game file is attached. No errors in the logs. Can anyone please help me with these problems and get this custom civ finished?

Much appreciated!
Hi, thanks for the link. I redid the icons and leaders with the tutorial. Now, ModBuddy spits out the following error:
EXEC(0,0): error asset: (UIErrorTexture)
EXEC(0,0): error asset: (UIErrorTexture)
Other than that, the game loads exactly the same way it did before. Still Cleopatra, and the icons for the uniques are still empty. Note that the custom leader and civilization icons work as before, it's just the non-custom settler and holy site icons that are not loading.

For reference, here is the icons part that does not load:
        <!--Unique District/Unit Icons-->
        <Row Name="ICON_UNIT_PARTS_VOLGA_GERMANY" Atlas="ICON_ATLAS_UNITS" Index="0"/>
Except for in the Leader Selection screen, but this is because a code links them to the units in the FrontEnd Leader_Config. The leader and civilization icons are linked in the InGame, do I need a code linking the unique uinit/district icons in the InGame as well?
UPDATE: The icon problem is now solved because I realized that you link icons to XYZ by naming it ICON_XYZ...

About the leader fallback: I tried verifying everything based on this link here, but it's still Cleopatra in the leader screen. District model also still invisible so I guess it's the same problem, related to the artdef?

EDIT: here is some leader fallback code for reference:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <m_TemplateName text="LeaderFallback"/>
            <m_CollectionName text="Leaders"/>
                        <m_CollectionName text="Animations"/>
                                    <Element class="AssetObjects..BLPEntryValue">
                                        <m_EntryName text="FALLBACK_NEUTRAL_LEADER_PARTS_REUTER"/>
                                        <m_XLPClass text="LeaderFallback"/>
                                        <m_XLPPath text="LeaderFallbacks.xlp"/>
                                        <m_BLPPackage text="LeaderFallbacks"/>
                                        <m_LibraryName text="LeaderFallback"/>
                                        <m_ParamName text="BLP Entry"/>
                            <m_Name text="DEFAULT"/>
                <m_Name text="LEADER_PARTS_REUTER"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <m_ClassName text="LeaderFallback"/>
    <m_PackageName text="LeaderFallbacks"/>
            <m_ObjectName text="FALLBACK_NEUTRAL_LEADER_PARTS_REUTER"/>

And in the mod.Art for every time Fallback is mentioned:
            <consumerName text="LeaderFallback"/>
                <Element text="FallbackLeaders.artdef"/>
                <Element text="LeaderFallback"/>
            <libraryName text="LeaderFallback"/>
                <Element text="LeaderFallbacks.blp"/>

All are imported in both FrontEnd and InGame, and are in the final file list in the modinfo.

No cooker, Modding, or Database log compaints.

What is wrong here?
Last edited:
Yes, it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <m_TemplateName text="Leaders"/>
            <m_CollectionName text="Leaders"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects..BLPEntryValue">
                            <m_EntryName text="ART_DEFAULT_LIGHT"/>
                            <m_XLPClass text="LeaderLighting"/>
                            <m_XLPPath text="Leader_LightRigs.xlp"/>
                            <m_BLPPackage text="leaders/light_rigs"/>
                            <m_LibraryName text="LeaderLighting"/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Leader_Lightrig_BLP_Entry"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects..BLPEntryValue">
                            <m_EntryName text=""/>
                            <m_XLPClass text=""/>
                            <m_XLPPath text=""/>
                            <m_BLPPackage text=""/>
                            <m_LibraryName text="Leader"/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Leader_BLP_Entry"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects..BLPEntryValue">
                            <m_EntryName text="CK_Identity"/>
                            <m_XLPClass text="ColorKey"/>
                            <m_XLPPath text="ColorKeys.xlp"/>
                            <m_BLPPackage text="ColorKeys"/>
                            <m_LibraryName text="ColorKey"/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Leader_ColorKey_BLP_Entry"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects..BLPEntryValue">
                            <m_EntryName text=""/>
                            <m_XLPClass text="Leader"/>
                            <m_XLPPath text=""/>
                            <m_BLPPackage text=""/>
                            <m_LibraryName text="Leader"/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Leader_Background_BLP_Entry"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects..StringValue">
                            <m_Value text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Leader_Background_Animation_State"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects..StringValue">
                            <m_Value text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Audio"/>
                <m_Name text="LEADER_PARTS_REUTER"/>

In the modArt it is referenced here:
            <consumerName text="Leaders"/>
                <Element text="Leaders.artdef"/>
                <Element text="Leader"/>
                <Element text="LeaderLighting"/>
                <Element text="ColorKey"/>
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