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Help with Deity


Dec 13, 2009
Every time i play deity i have trouble, no matter what, even if i get a good start my civ is over run with japan, English and/or Zulu's and the Indians always get a cultural victory before turn 1000 while the other civs are picking on me(for the non military tech or the leader i just got and didn't get a chance to use his ability yet), i tried the quick expand Chinese, the rush Aztecs, quick cites with the mongols(on that game i had 8 cities within 30 turns at 3 pop with good food, hammers and water by them) yet the Indians seem to always be at peace because normally the get the great wall.

The closest i gotten was an Aztec rush(2/4 other civs destroyed and one being Indians but i got overwhelmed with knight army's before i could start building up my defenses, I had archers army's but that doesn't help with my poor luck), but died because the English came up and destroyed me, i read a lot of strategies, and tried them all at least twice, but i never seem to live in deity i do well in all other difficulties, can someone give me some advice, Thank you in advance.

I am using xbox if that helps and my GT is Deathblade32 if you want to talk to me to give more advice by voice chat i am in Alaska and will be on at 11 am, and maybe another hour or 2 tonight.

And thank you again in advance

Edit: And it never fails i complain and i can do it... it happens in every games i have challanges in, but it feels like a giant middle finger, my next game i played i got all victories, but then again there were french and germans that died before 100 AD, and the russians were stuck on a single island and i got the greeks, who for some reason never expand out, they stood in their capitol until 1760 AD, which i had them pinned(i got all 4 victories for the achievements on Xbox). well sorry for taking your time
I've played two Diety games as the Aztecs with good results with the following strategy:

Settle then buy a warrior. Put workers on 2 sea and research horseback riding. Send warrior away from the coast (towards a hill if possible). Hopefully you can get a 1 flag barbarian or a friendly hut.

When you get horseback riding, put workers on 2 forest and build horsemen (rush if possible). Build 3 horsemen and start pillaging everything. If you find an AI capital, you can form an army and try to take it, but retreat if they have an archer army. (And don't even bother with the Greeks.)

Once you have built your 3 horsemen, change your capital to 2 grass to expand, then 1 grass and 2 forest to build a settler. Rinse & repeat. Do this with any captured capitals and any cities with 2 forest & 2 grass. Try not to stop building settlers until you don't have any place to put them.

By the time the AI starts expanding you will have a huge number of cities. You may be behind in tech, but you will quickly catch up.
A similar strategy works very well for the Americans. Get a start where your bonus Great Person (GP) is a Great Explorer. Found Washington immediately, put both workers in the water and research Horse Back Riding (HBR). Meanwhile, send your GP out to explore. No worries since you will not go far enough to bump into other civs and barbarians will only be population 1 or 2, so they will not capture your GP. By turn 5, return the GP to Washington and activate his super-power to make 50g. You will have just finished researching HBR. Now put your workers in the woods and start rushing horses. Your GP should have uncovered some barbarians, some friendly villages and maybe some nameable map areas. Send out your first horse and start collecting. Keep rushing horses. Do not worry about saving up 100g. You will get it pretty quickly once you have a few horses out. Try to get your first horse up to veteran status and then build an army around it. Look for another barbarian village and your veteran horse army will overrun it. Now you will get an elite status. Hopefully, you will get infiltration. Blitz and March are not bad either. Take your elite horse army and try to kill at least 1 AI capital before they have archer armies dug in and/or walls built. The AI cheats a lot on Deity, so you want to move pretty quick.
I tend to give up on being that agressive at the beginning.

try defending - one army of the latest units and walls should repel anything the AI has. then kill his attackers periodically with an attacking unit. Then concentrate on improvements.
Once you have fighters and tanks you can blitzkreig them if you want.
I started a new game with the Germans on deity and I'm miles ahead of the all of the AIs except the Aztecs using a basic expansion strategy: work 2 forests to build a warrior, then start spamming out settlers. First settle close to your captial (ideally in locations with 2 grass & 2 forests so they can spam settlers too), then send them out to the borders to limit AI expansion. Use exploration cash to rush more warriors for exploration & defense.

I have 15 cities (1 taken from the Americans who took the spot I was going to settle in between two of my cities).
There is no good strategy in Diety. Some cheap strategies, but no good strategy. Diety is for those who constantly beats immortal, and want a challenge. You can play like you did in immortal, but don't expect to win.
There is no good strategy in Diety. Some cheap strategies, but no good strategy. Diety is for those who constantly beats immortal, and want a challenge. You can play like you did in immortal, but don't expect to win.

That may be true for Civ IV, which seems to be what you're referring to. This forum is for the console version, Civilization Revolution. There are good deity strategies in CivRev. I suspect there are in Civ IV as well.
I am determined to win a Deity victory with every civ. So far I can manage it with Japan, Chinese, Indian, Aztecs. I'm struggling with all othe Civs though. It seems that unless you have a Civ with a really good resource advantage then you fall too far behind the other civs too quickly.
I am determined to win a Deity victory with every civ. So far I can manage it with Japan, Chinese, Indian, Aztecs. I'm struggling with all othe Civs though. It seems that unless you have a Civ with a really good resource advantage then you fall too far behind the other civs too quickly.

No, once you figure out how to do it, it's really easy to win on deity every time. It's kind of a bore, in fact. I can only get good games online against good players now.

You have basically two options to open: horserush or expand right away. The horserush is often the stronger option, but it can slow you down if you get unlucky or are too slow. It's incredibly powerful to clear up a lot of space and take a couple of enemy capitals though.

Either way, you should try to expand to 10+ cities by 0 AD. If you can manage that, you'll get far ahead of the AI and be able to win the game any way you please. If you continue to expand out to 20+ cities by 500 AD, it'll be a breeze. You could stay at 10 and it'll be a little more challenging, but your victory is still assured.

A mistake many new players make is to focus on buildings too much and to build archer armies in every city. This isn't needed at all. First, you really don't need any buildings at all in the first two eras. If you plan to attack after ancient (if you want to attack with knights, for example), then you should work on a barracks in medieval. Otherwise, all your production and gold should be focused on settlers and a few archers. Put an archer army in a city that is likely to be attacked. Don't leave any gaps in your empire because the AI can teleport units into the fog of war. Internal cities can therefore be left empty as long as you don't have any fog around (build archers if a galley comes near).

So you should have 10 or so cities by 0 AD and have more than 14 techs by then too, which means you'll be in industrial. Now if you want you can work on libraries (especially with Greece or China) or just make armies to kill the AI. Whatever you prefer. It won't get any powerful techs until like 1000 AD, so you should be able to roll over archers with tanks if you please.
My first strategy to get an easy win (not the best strategy but good even if you screw up much of the rest of your game) was to fill the islands with cities and try to maintain a front with only one or two cities in the mainland. Then go for one of the key military techs like knights or tanks and kill them when you are ready.

Of course the 'best' strategy is generally to trust you are better than the computer and simply blitz the enemy either with horsemen or with knights. One of the advantages there is an enemy cap is very valuable considering the Great person barracks extra tech and extra city.
I found a fairly easy way to win with the Romans on Deity:

Just start as usual with building a few Warriors and then Settlers and when you start researching, research Bronze Working. Settle your second or third city in a spot with a decent amount of food and trade. Fish would be ideal, but hammers are not important at all. Set this city to food and gold.

After Bronze Working, research Currency (you can do that because the Romans start with Code of Laws), and of course make sure your gold doesn't go above 250. When you have researched Currency, you will be the first, as everyone else has to research Alphabet, Writing and Code of Laws first. You get a free market which should appear in the city you have set to gold.

After that, research a few cheap techs so you hit the medieval era, when you get half-price wonders. Flip you food/gold city to full gold production, race to 250 gold for Banking, then to 300 gold to buy the Colossus, and shortly afterwards buy a Bank (240 gold), and not too long after, the Tradefair of Troyes (750 gold). You now have a city that produces 32 gold per sea square (48 if you also get a Great Industrialist), and you can basically buy anything you want.
But you have CoL you might as well flood hte world with settlers rather than focusing on building a mega city. Although normally against hte computer I find getting most of the good wonders not that hard except hanging gardens and colossus.

If you want a mega city you want a set of small cities feeding your main city with settlers then get hanging gardens - colossus - trade fair - east india company - internet or anything that gives you money. you can get a fantastic amount of gold that way.
But you have CoL you might as well flood hte world with settlers rather than focusing on building a mega city. Although normally against hte computer I find getting most of the good wonders not that hard except hanging gardens and colossus.

If you want a mega city you want a set of small cities feeding your main city with settlers then get hanging gardens - colossus - trade fair - east india company - internet or anything that gives you money. you can get a fantastic amount of gold that way.

The mega-city strat doesn't work so well if you are playing the patched version (1.3) of the game on ps3 or xbox360. In the original game adding a settler to a city would add 1 population. Since the patch (more than a year ago), it just adds 20 food. It takes 10*current pop food to grow a city at the start of the game (eventually the multiplier drops), so you quickly hit a point of diminishing returns.

In other words, I totally agree that the settler spam is a better way to go. If you want a big city, just settle on cattle and/or whales. Calouste's suggestion of gunning right for Currency isn't bad at all. The best thing to use all that gold for is more settlers. You could really do this with just about any civ but the Romans will have the easiest time of it.
The mega-city strat doesn't work so well if you are playing the patched version (1.3) of the game on ps3 or xbox360. In the original game adding a settler to a city would add 1 population. Since the patch (more than a year ago), it just adds 20 food. It takes 10*current pop food to grow a city at the start of the game (eventually the multiplier drops), so you quickly hit a point of diminishing returns.

In other words, I totally agree that the settler spam is a better way to go. If you want a big city, just settle on cattle and/or whales. Calouste's suggestion of gunning right for Currency isn't bad at all. The best thing to use all that gold for is more settlers. You could really do this with just about any civ but the Romans will have the easiest time of it.

You can settler spam from your other cities while the gold city just concentrates on gold. It will slow down the spam a little, but not that massively. Good thing about the Romans is that you can settle a new city and at the same turn rush a settler, which makes for some pretty fast spamming if you don't have to worry too much about the safety of your settlers and new cities.

Whales btw are a bit too far ahead in the tech tree (if you're just looking at getting the Market/Bank/Colossus/Tradefair combo up), but cattle of course is conveniently available with Code of Laws.
Whales btw are a bit too far ahead in the tech tree (if you're just looking at getting the Market/Bank/Colossus/Tradefair combo up), but cattle of course is conveniently available with Code of Laws.

I don't find that to be true. In a good game the Romans can fairly quickly get up to around 35-50 beakers per turn. To get to Navigation, you just need to get past the first two tiers of tech, then two turns on Mathematics and three turns on Navigation. You can get there rather quickly, typically before 0 AD. I would tend to want to do that before veering off to Banking. I usually try to do some ~20 cities, then go to Democracy, then Banking. At that point you'll often have a great scientist or two and can rush Industrialization and/or Corporation and then you're rolling in dough.

I have had some success in Diety with the French. The Cannon advantage is huge. I have been able to use that to attack and win a number of cities before the other Civ's tech up enough they can defend against the cannons (and also to defend my own cities). The movement plus with riflemen is also huge in using that type of domination tactic. My goal was always a cultural win. When you take other Civ's cities you get whatever Great People are in those cities. The idea is to use domination tactics while you have a tech advantage for attacking. When that advantage goes away wait until you have developed other techs for attacking such as Tanks and then Artillery and Bombers. Tanks usually only have a window of opportunity such as the French Cannons to be successful as attacking instruments. With this type of strategy you can stop other Civ's from winning by taking their capital or other important cities, grabbing their Great People in the process and eventually having the 20 to go for the United Nations win. It helps to get the Oxford University wonder and the other wonder (the name of which I cannot remember) in order to stay even or ahead of the AI technologically.
There is no good strategy in Diety. Some cheap strategies, but no good strategy. Diety is for those who constantly beats immortal, and want a challenge. You can play like you did in immortal, but don't expect to win.

there is....
Just use japanese XD and focus on science.

Build cheap defece units and just one quality attack unit to defend your cities with prehemptive attacks onenemy incoming units (roads do help).

try to get all ancient manufacts and be the first to get tanks and bombers as you get tanks buil leonardo's workshop

If you get a great engineer and you don't need it just use it for the wonder that gives you +1 science from sea and you will easily win.

Magna carta is useful too.

As you get the best military units just conquer enemy city with best culture or capitals, and other cities will join you.

Then cultural victory will be easy.
Build one city and thats it. Focus on science, and hold out until the modern era and win via the method of your choice. Easy on deity once you know how:)
A few good cities are better than many bad ones that will need financing. Make sure you are producing a decent level of culture with any civ so that you can take advantage of more great people that will help you keep ahead of the others whatever victory type you are interested in. Try and grow fast and start playing deity with a civ that allows that and specialize to gold or research as soon as you build a courthouse. Defend well with experienced units and replace them asap with a more modern lineage when you are able to. Building the wonders that will best help your victory choice will make things easier. Having a lot of cash will also help you build improvements as soon as you are able to.
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