Hex Grid instead of Square?


Jan 13, 2006
I was wondering if there was ever any thought given to using a hex grid instead of a square one. I'm sure most long time gamers know the advantages, the most important that every movement takes you exactly the same distance. Additionally, cultural boundries would be more natural, and they would be exactly 1, 2, 3, etc moves away from the city no matter which direction you came from.

Obviously there would be some discent, especially from folks who would think it didn't feel like civ. I for one would mourn the loss of the Fat Cross.
This has been suggested every month for the past few years.
Though I prefer hexes over squares, I think the technology is sufficient to incorporate a method that uses neither - rather uses cardinal lattitude and longitude. With this you can get the true effect of playing on a globe.

- Sligo
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