• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

How about introducing Secret societies(Illuminati,Freemasons,Triads,etc...)


Zaphod Beeblebrox
Jun 25, 2007
It would be "nice" as we play CIV and manipulate history,to have REAL deal of "truth".It would bring new aspect to gameplay.In early period Secret societies could be as random event,but later in game they can take control of some or many civilizations(like in real life).Imagine "random events" as eugenics,aids and other "gifts" from selfish egocentric maniacs.Anyway download this film from Alex Jones through torrent client http://isohunt.com/download/28097678/endgame or find it elsewhere it is called "EndGame-Blueprint For Global Enslavement"
They cant be that good. They are supposedly secret yet we all know about them!!
I don't think that's a good idea, I don't want Civ to get into crazy conspiracy theories like Free Masons run the country, or 9-11 was an inside job, or we never landed on Mars and set up a mind control center to make Martins do our bidding...

Lets face it if Firifax didn't want to stir up religious fervor they certainly don't want to stir up the Black Helicopter crowd.
This sounds like a thread for modding :)

And by the way - Manbearpig IS real :eek:
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