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How do you prefer conquering?

How do you like to conquer?

  • General Sherman type, Burning everything in your path

    Votes: 5 6.9%
  • Go straight for the cities, leave the countryside alone

    Votes: 39 54.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 14 19.4%
  • I'm a lover, not a fighter

    Votes: 14 19.4%

  • Total voters
I tried the "pillage the AI core" tactic earlier today. Worked fine for shutting down their attempts to build anything modern. But a real, real pain when the time came that I got to the core. I usually keep improvements and use scads of workers to rail through the captured land required, keeping the arty near the front. Suddenly I was confronted with this wilderness about 6 tiles in radius.

I can't decide whether the net effect was positive or not. I could have got the trade effect by being a lot more selective in my pillaging, I may try that the next time.
Originally posted by Xavier Von Erck
Sorry, I don't have my terminology down. I'll edit. Thanks though.

Nah, you don't need to edit, it was clear anyway -
I often post junk and then learn something new... ;)
I just wanted to point at the rep-hit thingie. :)
The only time I pillage is during the first few turns of a war. I'll send in some fast units (explorers are great for this) and take out all of the AI strategic resources (and luxury too if I have the units) reducing their ability to build effective units and making my task of conquering them that much easier.

I like to leave the rest of the infastructure because I have plans for it (no sense in having to reroad everything).
I pillage around his capital with high-defense/low-attack units.

After the capital is isolated from trade I pillage the countryside (especially in the modern era, as cities are well defended).

I also defeat units in the countryside. I've noticed that if you pillage well (with alot of explorers) the AI doesn't handle his counter-attack very well.

I may even build some cities in his territory around his isolated resources and defend them extremely well.

After his infrastructure is crippled and I have settled some of his land. I may attack his cities if I am technologically superior or keep pillaging.

When peace finally comes, I get huge GPT and Tech concessions...

Then the culture bomb begins... after all I'm a lover not a fighter... :love:
I tend to take the cities and leave the enemy troops out in the open for my ally to take out. AI allies are great for that, probably won't work quite so well with human allies though :)
by BomberEscort:
I also defeat units in the countryside. I've noticed that if you pillage well (with alot of explorers) the AI doesn't handle his counter-attack very well.
I agree, the ai is incapable of facing the situation. If there's a "weak" target (other than the pillaging stacks) that they could aim for, that is. The ai would prefer to just move like 10 cavs into your territory per turn, in order to reach a weakly defended inner city of yours (that isn't even in their attack range atm), while your 3 infantry (plus exploreres) stack pillages like mad w/o counter attacks. Once their access to salpeter (or whatever resource) is gone, they are doomed to fight a defensive war. Your invasion could start and the needed road/railroad connections to newly conquered cities could be build comparably safe (ai might not attack the workers w/ fast units).
It depends on the city I captured, if it's near resources, I'll keep it, if it makes money, i'll keep it, if it's strategically important I'll keep it. Other wise I'll the raze and raze. Your in the modern age already so do bother with your rep.
If it's for survival, pilliage everything.

If it's for conquest, save those oil wells!
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