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How to better play this concept out?


Jan 30, 2015
Hello, guys and gals. I come onto you today with an idea I had for quite some time, which I would like to turn into reality. It's a civilization based on the myth of "Ciudad de los Cesares", from the 16th century. I'll put a summary of it here, including its UA and two UBs. Please, if you think it's too unbalanced, or that the intro text's informations are historically wrong, feel free to point it out, with a way I can improve it. Also, keep in mind that this civ is intended to be played with ONE CITY ONLY, and as such, its uniques are supposed to reflect that play style.


Leader name: Rey Blanco

Civ Name: Kingdom of Trapananda

Civ Short Name: Trapananda

Adjective: Trapanandan

UA: City of Caesars (Cannot build settlers, found or annex cities. Palace provides +5 Culture and +3 Food, and Natural Wonders provide double yield. -50% Science from Puppeted Cities, instead of the normal -10%)

UB1: Patagonian Square (Replaces the Market. Provides +3 Happiness for every source of Gold, Silver, Copper and Gems worked by the City. Provides +3 Food)

UB2: Lin Lin Wall (Replaces the Walls. Provides +8 Defense and +80 HP, instead of the Walls' respective +5 and +50. Has 1 slot for Great Works of Writing, that when filled, provides +2 Food, Culture, Science and Happiness)

Starting Bias: Mountain

Intro Text:
"Oh grand Rey Blanco, honorable Lord of Caesars and Amazons, the ancient people of the city of Trapananda bow down to your greatness! You have inspired countless legends among the Spanish, conquerors of the New World, about your endless opulence of riches and culture. Your kingdom, sometimes called "The Wandering City", is a wealthy center of arts and knowledge, lodged against a mountain of gold and another of diamonds, and located in Sierra de la Plata, land of legends; and its people, ingenious and industrious, make their motherland shine even brighter.

Your name, Spanish for "The White King", only serves as proof of your brilliance and wisdom. August lord of the mysterious Patagonian utopia, your legendary kingdom once again calls for your command. Will you be able to recover the prestige once enjoyed by your city? Can you once again become the fabled kingdom of the New World, rivaled only by the mythical El Dorado? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?"


If you have anything in mind that I could alter or add to it, post it below! I'll try to make it into a real modded civ, so I'm trying to, as well as reflect the Tall play style intended, make it not too complicated for me to be actually able to make it. I know absolutely nothing about modding, and will learn it on the fly (note that lots of its traits are similar to that of other existing civs), so don't propose anything so grand. Thank you.
Oh, oh, oh. I can help with this!

Loads of expeditions were made to the City of the Caesars throughout the centuries.

Personally I'd give it an UA like:

Mountain Tiles within your territory count as sources of Gems/Gold. Double Happiness from discovery of Natural Wonders.

I actually believe the civilization could have a city list given all the different names the mythical city has received throughout the years.

Spoiler City List :

Lin Lin
City of the Caesars
Pacha Pulai
Wandering City
Enchanted City
Ciudad del Blanco
Sierra del Plata
Golden City

Granted, it's not a big list, but I believe it can be expanded, and come on, does one really found that many cities to begin with? :confused:

I may also be able to find an actual name for the civ leader, heck, I could even find some more info for uniques.

Tell me, ever read Pacha Pulai?
Hum... no, never, actually. Is it a book?

Also, about the UA, I really like your idea of turning the mountains into luxury sources, but as long as I don't have anyone to help me do it, I don't think I'd be able to do something this complex. I thought of maybe turning mountains into something useful to the Civ, because they would really benefit from the bias then.

I was thinking of Túpac Amaru for the leader name, but I hesitated about it since he was Incan and all.
Yes, it is a book. It's kinda odd since it's an obligatory read on most chilean schools, despite the fact that it's mostly making fun and playing with various pop culture elements of early 20th century Chile which you would never get unless you got context, and teachers never do give context. :crazyeye:

Regardless, the City of the Caesars is an important element of it.

I'll keep looking, I'm sure I'll be able to find an actual name for the leader rather sooner than later.

BTW, what made you take interest in this myth in particular? It's kinda odd, as it seems you're neither chilean nor argentine and most people outside this particular corner of the world have never heard of it. (Dorado being more famous and all)
Well, since El Dorado is already in the game as a natural wonder, I thought a one-city legendary kingdom would be a nice addition to the game as a mod. I first considered Cloud ****oo Land and mainstream Atlantis, but settled for Lin Lin because of the highly mythical atmosphere around it.
Alright, looking through some investigations I'd say a good name for the leader is either Sebastián de Argüello (if you're looking for a non-indigenous version of the inhabitants) or Topa Inca (if you're looking for the city actually being an indigenous one).

Both links also have a good list of names for spies. ;)
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