How to create a new religion?(bts)


Nov 23, 2014
I have used the search function and google and have found nothing on creating a new religion. I tried to create one in BTS with XML and it worked except that all the religious icons got screwed up, all out of order. Does it require python and working on the sdk as well? Any pointers to the info or explanation would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I have used the search function and google and have found nothing on creating a new religion. I tried to create one in BTS with XML and it worked except that all the religious icons got screwed up, all out of order. Does it require python and working on the sdk as well? Any pointers to the info or explanation would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
The religions need to defined in the order their icons appear in the game font files. Unless you are using a dll that adds an index to the Religion xml file that is.
void CvGameTextMgr::assignFontIds(int iFirstSymbolCode, int iPadAmount)
    for (int i = 0; i < GC.getNumReligionInfos(); i++)
       GC.getReligionInfo((ReligionTypes) i).setChar(iCurSymbolID);
       GC.getReligionInfo((ReligionTypes) i).setHolyCityChar(iCurSymbolID);
That's how religion icons get assigned. It takes religion infos from xml and assign standard, then holy city and then moves on to the next. It works as long as GameFont and xml shows the same number of religions and in the same order.

That function is responsible for assigning every single icon in GameFont and all details can be looked up here, or modified if that's what you want. However not all people will understand the code and that's ok. GameFont can still be used and modified. I just wanted to add this post for completeness since the thread will now exist for future reference for people searching for GameFont.
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