• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



Sep 16, 2009
i dont know if something like this exist but what about this http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=476383
"This module tries to delay the revealing of the full map.
Firstly, without Cartography, civilizations have no means of recording information about the land they have discovered. Any revealed terrain, which is no longer visible to a civilization is concealed once more until they have Cartography.

Secondly, without mastering longitude, a civilization can not accurately map the oceans nor determine the distance to far off continents. Learning Engineering, Divination or Necromancy technologies provide means to master longitude. Until a civilization can determine longitude then areas (oceans/continents) in which they do not have a city, which have been revealed but are no longer visible, will be concealed once more."
I have seen implementations of this idea around and found that when playing it sucks. Your automatic scouts keep revisiting the same places over and over.

Also it is not very realistic, maps existed before cartography and there is always instructions like "Travel away from the morning sun keeping the mountains on your left hand side. It will take two weeks to get to the desert and 5 to cross it." which is a simplistic description of the Silk Road if you were wondering. ;)

I think that the discussion that we had earlier on limiting how far you can go from your cultural borders may be a better solution all round.
Yeah maps existed before cartography, but they were not very accurate, especially with regard to the dragons, sea monsters and other mythical creatures.

The map might say a general direction and number of days, but it does not reflect the endurance of the previous traveller, the length of his/her legs, and the number of days he missed due to alcohol abuse or just plain lack of attention to detail. (Even more disastrous variability can be introduced with regard to direction).

The solution is not to make the maps disappear again. For a start, you could just take a screenie and override that. The solution would be to make the maps vary in accuracy, either totally randomly or to a degree that was partially under the player's control eg. leader/civ traits or the XP level/promotions of the unit making the map.

Of course I suspect that's a lot of work, and far from a priority.
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