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Ideas to spice up lame Wonders & Rituals

Celestial Compass
It does have a pretty good effect, if there were more rituals around. What would help a lot would making a lot of them repeatable. Genesis, Rites of Oghma, Samhain, and Nature's Revolt come to mind.

Nature's Revolt
I used this ritual once in FFH2 so I could build the grand menagerie. I don't even know how it works in WM, but changing barbs to animals never seemed like anything useful to me. Summoning a bunch of animals/creating lairs would be a good start. Since the animals are a separate faction in WM, the ritual could also grant temporary peace. Make the ritual repeatable, and you're good to go.

Grand Menagerie
Speaking of animals, is anyone building this? Anyone? If they even bother spawning, the barbs or AI will get them long before you ever see them.

Illian's being able to dominate frostlings would be a good start. Also, do the Frostlings spawned increase in STR like regular barbarians due to game speed? That would need to happen if the ritual was made repeatable, as suggested under the compass.

Let Auric gain Xp. PROBLEM SOLVED!!1!
Well, mostly. MagisterCultuum has some good ideas on how to spice it up, except for:

Auric is made Crazed by the Draw, so you have to be very careful to protect him while close to Ascension.

No. :trouble:
I don't think I've ever successfully completed Grand Menagerie outside of that FFH2 scenario with Falamar. Nature's Revolt is rather silly; by the time one is able to take it, there are few barbarians left. Also, it provides no benefit for the player that sacrificed the hammers for it.
it doesn't even turn barbs into animals in WM iirc, since they are different factions that would be bound to cause issues. so all it does is give heroic def + heroic str to all animals. useful if you spam tigers with priests of leaves, but not much else. if it also set all animals to enraged AND gave you peace with animals, then it would be great fun to unleash nature's fury upon others :D
Natures revolt is great if you have tons of animals and spiders.

Grand Menagerie
Speaking of animals, is anyone building this? Anyone? If they even bother spawning, the barbs or AI will get them long before you ever see them.

Thats not experience.
wolves come from nature mana nodes
gorillas and bears can be made by vidalus
and lions and tigers are easy. the grand menagerie is super easy to build now.

Maybe it's just my play style... I focus on capturing animals.
Oh, houses....
I don't play with them. Too much..."moar", I guess.
That I don't feel that they really fit in that well. How can a noble house span all these different cultures and races (let along the Mercurian and Infernals)? Would have preferred to see them come in under the auspices of guilds.
What's a Vidalus?

:checks pedia:

Huh, not there.

Didn't know about Nature nodes and wolves. That helps.

wild mana nodes.

Also, I see a lot more natural gorillas in WM, esp if there is thick jungle. Animals spawn periodically, unlike vanilla FFH which had only a short period of time before the animals disappeared. Bears and lions spawn often too, and sabretooths and polar bears count also.
the upcoming Treasure Gear mechanic looks like the perfect system to yield the Godslayer instead of the current "it gets handed out for free to the biggest illian enemy" ;)
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