Is it possible to attach requirements to a modifier that exists already ? Explained further:


Jun 11, 2017
I want to add requirements to a globalparameter mod. For instance - CIVIC_COST_PERCENT_CHANGE_AFTER_GAME_ERA.

I want to change it so the value depends on the game era, rather than being a flat number. Is this something the game supports ? I don't really *understand* modding in this game but I get by OK by referencing others, so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, I just know how stuff works from looking at other mods.

So yeah basically could I change that from being a value = x, to turning it into a normal modifier than I can attach conditions to, so the number can be affected depending on era ?

GlobalParameters are, well, *global*. They cannot change dynamically mid-game unless an actual modifier effect exists for that.
Yeah I did a bit more reading on it not long after, I should've come back and clarified the question a bit better: is what I'm asking doable via LUA ? I know LUA can change a lot of stuff in game, does it have the ability to change things like this ? Or is it only "running" things ?

It's not the end of the world, at the mo when I get to a certain era I just quit out and change it, it's the most minor of minor inconveniences. But if I can find a way to not have to do that then hey, awesome.
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