So I think that puts me squarely on the "Please don't bring back tourism" bandwagon. It was the worst idea in V and VI, once you have the generation, the game just becomes a Next Turn simulator. It's so refreshing that the legacy paths aren't, for the most part, inventing new currencies. Totally agree with limiting Explorer access, with spreading artifact generation more, and other ideas here. But in 99% of games, you're not closely fighting over victory at the end of the Modern era. Having a tourism counter AFTER the World Fair is like bringing back light years of travel to the science victory. In one in a hundred games, it let's you swipe a victory and in the other ninety nine, it's just an extra fifteen turns where nothing interesting happens.
I strongly agree with this, and disliked Civ 6’s Culture Victory, which was interesting largely in spite of its frustrating and dubious implementation.
I am not in favour of adding new currencies, especially currencies which do nothing but further a victory. Civ 7’s legacy paths are unpolished but are I think a step in the right direction in terms of collecting material things in game (resources, great works, treasure ships) that are associated with existing yields and gameplay loops. Artifacts fit a little awkwardly in this, and need to be tied more closely with other culture mechanics.