KHSOLO said:
Thanxs a bunch.
How do i create a mod for this an the other change below..the one about Global warming?
Ill love to play my own mod without these 2 annoying features.
Thanxs in advance and for yout time.
The mods are located in the folder:
...\Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods
Each of the mods has its own folder. The directory structure in each mod folder is exactly the same as the directory structure of the main game.
you can find the file CIV4BasicInfos.xml in the mod Alexander the Great
...\Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\Alexander the Great\Assets\XML\BasicInfos
and in the main game
...\Civilization 4\Warlords\Assets\XML\BasicInfos
So you'll need to create a mod folder (KHSOLOmod for instance) and inside that mod folder you'll need to create the folders that contain the files that you want to modify. Copy the unmodified files in the folders where they belong and mod them. The mod folder only needs to contain the modified files. The game will look at the original files when it cannot find a file in the mod folder. So your mod will only have 2 files but they have to be in the right directories, so you'll need to creat those folders.
Is this clear?
I know that there are some modding guides in the creation and customization subforum that probably explain this much better. I haven't created a mod from scratch but I did mod some mods (to change some small things that I didn't like) so I hope that you can follow the above explanation.
Oh, you can use your mod by choosing it inside the game. The game will then restart using the new information from your modified files. However, this takes some extra time, so it is easier to change the civilizationIV.ini file so that it automatically loades your modded files.
To do that you need to follow the link _Civ4Config in the folder ...\Civilization 4\Warlords which links you to the civilizationIV.ini file.
The file contains a line called ; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = 0
Change 0 into Mods\KHSOLOmod (or however you call your mod) and the game should automatically load your mod whenever you start the game.
I hope it all works. Good luck.