Is this playthrough winnable?


Sep 26, 2010
Heya so I'm in a bit of a situation in my recent game. I'm playing a game of New Dawn and I decided I'd try out the "High to Low" option. For those of you that don't know, it makes it so you have to work your way up to the top of the leaderboard, then get put in lowest score civ, work your way up again, get put in lowest score civ again and then finally you can win the game.

(Circa 1780AD)

Started out as Incans all isolated by myself. A barbarian city to the west unified and became China but I managed to hold off their much larger army by placing all my units in a narrow chokepoint. Basically just spammed wonders and expanded as my economy allowed. Around roughly 600AD I hit the top of the leaderboards and was put into control of the Celtic Principality of Akkad.

(Circa 1780AD)

Celtia was a rebel breakaway of nearby Babylon who had managed to take control of Akkad. The city had horse nearby and so I quickly researched the horse techs, built a sizeable army and captured Amsterdam to the west. Amsterdam had iron which I wanted to use to capture Constantinople which neighboured me to the north. Managed to hook it up, but it became very difficult due to Babylon trying to reclaim Akkad and they kept sending units to pillage my iron. They had far superior troops as they had their own iron but eventually I got a peace treaty with them, hooked up the iron and captured Constantinople. Babylon had captured Seoul, which was on the other side of the continent and it kept rebelling so they moved a large army out to try quell the rebels. I seized my opportunity and seized all their homeland territory before their main army could return.

After rebuilding, teching up and upgrading I invaded the only country I could reach through land - Russia. Quickly got them to capitulate before moving on to seize Aachen from the Holy Roman Empire. Then moved further north and capitulated Khmer. Finally swung west into Germany and was about to become top of the leaderboard when Ethiopia (east of me on their own island) launched a surprise attack and razed Babylon. I was going to give Germany back their own cities as they had now capitulated but I needed every score I could get so held onto them. So far I had been giving my capitulated vassals their land back which had so far been doing quite well in keeping stability high. Finally repelled Ethiopia and finally hit the top of the leaderboards, putting me in control of the Arabian Caliphate of Mecca in roughly 1600AD.

(Circa 1780AD)

Arabia was in a rough spot. They were an island which had an aggressive Portugal who had just captured Carthage and was now trying to seize Arabian lands. Mecca was a Christian city, with very few other Christian cities it had meant that King Richards Crusade had not been built yet. I had copper within my borders but couldn't hook it up as Portugal had superior troops. I got some crusaders and managed to sue for peace with Portugal for only 100 gold. Built up a large force of swordsmen, crusaders, catapults, pikemen and longbowman. Also purchased a bombard from the Ethiopians, which helped out a lot - although it was mainly the crusaders doing the real work. Anyway after a long fight I finally seized all of Portugals lands.

My plans from here were to get to astronomy and then start seizing the islands held by barbarians and maybe try to invade the Zulu, who were on their own island but were in a constant state of rebellion. The year is now 1780AD and I am very, very far behind in tech. I can't even invade anybody as the barbarians have Arquebusier and I'm still a tech off of it. Currently trying to research Physics in the hope I can trade for some techs but I think most civs are already very far ahead in tech.

I've made the country Hellenistic and made a defensive pack with the Hitties, who had the second largest army at the time I made the deal as I was a little afraid of Ethiopia who is going all British Empire on the world. They've made the Zulu their vassals so even if I wanted to invade it would be suicide now. They also colonised the only island which had no barbarians. Finally, they have seized most of my old Celtic Empire and made them their vassals.

It's not looking too good. At this point I'm going to try tech up and seize the barbarian islands. If Zulu somehow manage to break away from Ethiopia I'll quickly seize that as well. Also considering an invasion of the Vikings land, which is it's own island. Might even try invade Seoul, it would be easy to hold off potential land invasions due to the geography.

Anyway if anybody has any ideas of how to win this game I'm all ears. :lol: I think i'll have to play it up till the lategame, try to reach tech parity then try build an international empire quietly. Ethiopia is becoming huge though and I'm a little afraid they'll become a superpower and then snowball to victory.

Here's the savefile for anyone interested, installed with standard New Dawn from the main thread.
It's a big problem, the civ you leave to take over the 2nd or 3rd (never gotten that far) ends up being a monster.

Your only real chance, is to play it through the future era, and try to build the wonders. With revolutions on, hopefully, they'll eventually break apart.

Its much harder then it seems on creation. You go from the top to the land of the dumb A's. I commend you for getting to the 3rd civ, I can't seem to get past the 2nd one, as my original civ, ends up being a teching monster, who controls the old world. (continents x 2 is how I play)
I never had the cojones to play "High To Low" even though that actually might be a good idea. I play a pretty easy game (Noble), by the 1700s you can usually tell the AI hasn't a prayer of catching up unless they all gang up on me for some reason - which isn't going to happen, as I'm diligent about cultivating allies too :p I guess High To Low might be a good way to spice things up.
I never had the cojones to play "High To Low" even though that actually might be a good idea. I play a pretty easy game (Noble), by the 1700s you can usually tell the AI hasn't a prayer of catching up unless they all gang up on me for some reason - which isn't going to happen, as I'm diligent about cultivating allies too :p I guess High To Low might be a good way to spice things up.

It's really exciting - most fun I've had playing civ 4 in a long time. That said if I had to do it again I'd probably do a run with the option that makes barbarian cities turn into civilizations off, otherwise theres too much chance you'll end up in some backwater in the arctic with no resources. Maybe revolutions off as well, I got pretty lucky in my second civ location tbh.
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