Italian Text


Apr 17, 2012
I'm an italian fan, and i translated most of the mod text in my language (except pedia, some quotations, Gp names and some dawnofman phrases), so i could give you the translated text.

P.s. Sorry for my bad english
This is the translated text, i will use that thread in future, ok.

@Bonci: Tell me what do you think about it after trying.


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I'm trying it now.

It seems very well done and I have only a few issues:

1) I don't know if it's a problem with my version of the mod but all the civilization names are wrong (all like "Impero Persiano") and some unit and building names are dots...later I'll try to update the mod and retry.

2)I would change "Accusatore religioso" in "Inquisitore" or at least "Persecutore religioso".
Also I think that "Balestriere con Pavese" would sound much less generic than "Balestriere pesante" but this is only a personal opinion XD
"Balestrieri" should be renamed in something like "Balestrieri genovesi" to avoid confusion...

3) There are a few typos like "Palazzon d'estate" and "Banca di Genoan"
The translation of nightwatch is wrong, it should be something like "Posto di guardia" or "Guardia notturna".

4) I think that "Palude" sounds better than "Zone umide".

Thank you for your work! :)
There should be a problem, i haven't used those names, that were originally included in the mod, Banca di Genoan is Banca Genovese, Nightwatch has been translated with Guardia Notturna, Accusatore Religioso is Inquisitore in my text...
I don't know what happened.

Dove leggi Impero Persiano, nella schermata di selezione civiltà?
Sounds great, will look into it right now
What version of the mod did you use when you made your translations?
@ Fede14

How did you change the files? The files aren't syncronized with the original files. The original files have 2 [ TAB ] in front of the tags, your version has some [SPACE]. And the Spanish and Russian tags are like this:
    <Spanish />
    <Russian />
There is a [SPACE] before the / . This will cause problems.

This means I have to merge the files manually. (replacing the existing files will cause problems) Can you please correct these things. It will save me a lot of time.
I used Easy XML Editor, let me check...
Edit: I checked the files but i didn't found any [SPACE]
Merged in all the Italian translations
There is still room for lots of improvements, but could you guys test it?
(latest svn version)
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