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I've Got A Problem


The Builder
Sep 13, 2001
Weimar, Germany
Ok, here goes:

I've been playing the Civ III GOTM 4, and I've reached a date that the computer won't let me past. It's 1938, and when I end my turn, the Zulu declare war against the Persians, and when I hit "OK", Civ III crashes. I have reloaded to the previous autosave, and tried EVERYTHING I CAN to keep it from happening. No matter what I do, the Zulu attack the Persians, and the game freezes.

In desperation, I reinstalled the whole game, and that did nothing. I even reloaded a save several turns back, just to see if that would have changed things, but no.

So, I have two questions:

1. Does anybody know how to fix my problem?


2. If it can't be fixed, can I still submit my GOTM, even though I wouldn't have finished the game? (ie. would have to retire)

Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
1. Does anybody know how to fix my problem?
Not yet. But if you zip and upload the savegame someone might be able to fix your problem.
Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
2. If it can't be fixed, can I still submit my GOTM, even though I wouldn't have finished the game? (ie. would have to retire)
With the current rules: no. I know that sounds hard and mean, but the best thing you could do in such a case would be simply to compare your results with other people's result.
Several other players experienced similar problems in previous GOTMs and also found a way to counter it.
There can be several reasons for crashing.
At first I would advise you to download and install the newest 1.17f patch. :D

As far as I know the most common reason are unhappy people in one of your cities.
The workaround would be to check all your cities and turn unhappy people into entertainers for that turn!
Another workaround is going into Anarchy, this has helped for example the winner of GOTM3, SirPleb. His game crashed in the last turn and he had to go into anarchy to finish and submit it.
Hope one of these help! :goodjob:
Same thing happened to me, I got around it by turning off the "show city civil disorder" in the preferences menu.
Originally posted by Matrix

Not yet. But if you zip and upload the savegame someone might be able to fix your problem.

Right now I'm at my parent's place and all they have is a 33kbps modem, so I'll upload it when I get home to my cable connection if I'm still having problems.

Lucky, Hobbes: Thanks for the tips, I'll try those out.

UPDATE: I upgraded to 1.17f, tried anarchy, tried changing all the preferences, and nothing works :(
Here's the fiendish saved game:
After looking at your game, regrettably all I can do is to confirm the problem. :(
I tried changing preferences, increasing the luxury rate and and forging some kind of military alliance to keep the zulu from declaring war. Didn't help. :(
I've read a couple of posts from a guy at Firaxis. You might try sending him a copy of the zipped fiie for the programmers to work with.

At the very least it would be something they could fix on the next patch.
If nothing works, just retire and send me that savegame (via email) and I'll add you to the list, and I'll use that score for your Global Ranking score as well.

With other words, you got dispensation. ;) I only won't use your score for average calculations etc.
Originally posted by Matrix
If nothing works, just retire and send me that savegame (via email) and I'll add you to the list, and I'll use that score for your Global Ranking score as well.

With other words, you got dispensation. ;) I only won't use your score for average calculations etc.

Thanks Matrix.

This whole thing has been a real pain. My first GOTM, first game on emperor level, kicking some butt, and :mad:

Blasted Bug.

PS Emailed Dan Magaha in case someone was interested, so with luck we won't have any of these problems in the future.:goodjob:
As I mentioned, I emailed Dan Magaha about this bug. Well, he emailed me to say he'd sent it to the programmers, and just now Soren Johnson sent me a fixed copy of my save! Now I can continue playing![dance] [dance]

Hooray for Firaxians! :beer:
That's great!! :yeah: And ofcourse they have another bug to repair, so they're happy too. ;)

Anyway, your dispensation is withdrawn. :p
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