Just had my first MP experience: was it normal?

Alphons Rodulfo

Feb 24, 2002
The Netherlands
Because I am sick at home and was not capable of doing anything useful I decided to try a MP game. I quickly found one and it was enjoyable. I started out on an island with all the others seemingly on another big continent. Only after Navigation was discovered I got into a war and then the game suddenly was not playable any longer. I got a warning that moves would be simultaneous during the war. What actually happened was that I could not do anything for the majority of the turn time, just look around on the map. Very frustating and annoying. Then for a short fraction of the turn time I could issue orders. Because all my units had to act the remaining turn time was much too short and I suffered needless losses because there was no time to issue orders to all units and cities. Is this really the way war in multiplayer games works? In that case I think I am already done with multiplayer.
No usually games are simultaneous. You played a 'hybrid' game where the turns are simultaneous but as soon as someone gets into a war it turns into turn based, which causes all sorts of issues. Next time you want to play a MP game join the NO QUITTERS/Civilization No Quitters steam group.
Yep, it sounds like you joined a hybrid game where you have to wait for the other person to take their turn. Hybrid is not a good option for multiplayer. Your host was probably not experienced since they chose to use Hybrid in an FFA.

The game some times becoming unplayable is unfortunately common. If you play with people that you know, you can relaod from the last save file though. If it's all random people the odds are that they will not rejoin the game after it crashes or becomes otherwise unplayable.
Well, I had another MP game this evening and I took care to verify that the turn mode was set to simultaneous. It went a lot better then the first game, so I think that indeed was the crucial difference.

Thanks for helping me out!
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