King Arthur leading Camelot


Apr 28, 2021
Here's a civ idea for King Arthur. Tried to make a faith based domination civ with a focus on relics. Thought these abilities were both flavorful and brought a new twist to existing mechanics. Let me know what you think!

King Arthur

Le Morte d'Arthur
Retiring a Great General or Great Prophet grants a free Relic. Relics provide +2 Faith, +2 Culture, and +1 Great General points.

Mists of Avalon
Great Generals grant +5 Religious Strength to land units with 2 tiles. Great Prophets grant +5 Combat Strength to land units within 2 tiles. Farms provide +1 Faith, and Woods provide +1 Culture.

Round Table
Unique Building - Temple
+2 Relic slots. +2 Faith and +1 Great General Points. Can buy heavy cavalry units with Faith in this city.

Quest Knight
Unique Unit - Knight
50 CS
+1 CS for each Relic you own.
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