Land Ho!!!


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002

It appears to be the Germans!

A suicide galley is crossing the ocean, and appears (after 3 turns at sea) to be one of those lucky 5-turn galleys. Do we want to meet them? Sink the galley? Explore? Trade? Find out what their land is like?

Remember. We have the monopoly on contacts... (you will also notice the lack of bright red...)
Let's go say "hi" to the Germans. Our galley can sail up or down the coast without fear of sinking, and we can see what the Germans have for trade. Most likely this continent is where the rest of the Civs are located, so we can eventually get a clear map of the entire known world.
If we can make it there, that'll open up a bunch of possible trades, which means a possible 1-turn-turnchat session. We also need to pick a tech to research. (Cavalry, anyone?).
Let's contact Bismark and get his map. That way, we'll see him and his neighbors (if any). Also, great summary in the TCIT, Chieftess.
If anyone suggests turning around, I'll have to cut off there head and offer it to the Germans as a gift.

Let's see what they have, and with luck, they're have something.
I believe in basically in what everyone else is saying now, but you all know I must be different. In that case, I would advocate throwing peaches and cattle at Bismark.
It'll sink .... :( Those Suicide ships always does on me, especially with borders in vision. And the second usually as well. And the 3rd sometimes makes it, but not often....

But if it doesn't sink; just show us what is possible to trade for and then discuss.
Trade trade trade. I would sell contacts if we need to - if they are ahead of us in science, it won't be long until they get ships that can cross the oceans (3 or 4 techs at max probably). Try to get up to their level of techs, there fore we can take our continent (with cavalry?) and zoom ahead of them in techs will all our commerce from cities. :)
I would not want us to trade any of our contacts because then they will know our treachous past and will be less inclined to trade with us. Lets see what they have to offer, if the galley doesn't sink that is. That is why we should have already had a our plans for what to research after chivalry, so we could be using this time discussing trade matters, rather than have a pointless one turn TC. Who knows, we might be more advance than they are? If that is the case, we should get as much knowlegde as we can out of them. We definitely need their world map. We should reject any offer that is frivolous and does not help our cause.
classical_hero said:
I would not want us to trade any of our contacts because then they will know our treachous past and will be less inclined to trade with us.
Treacherous? All we've done is declare war on Rome and raze a couple of cities. That might be enough to make them annoyed.

Regardless, I would like to keep our contacts secret at the moment.
I'd like to request a 1-turn chat to make contact with the Germans.
I believe it is under my power as MoT to get this done...
Do I need a poll?
And yeah, dont sell our contacts to anyone. We'll buy their contacts (or sail around and get them ourselves), but Shaka, Joan, Hammi and Hamurabi must not know of them!

So it has been written, so it shall be done.
Stuck_As_a_Mac said:
I'd like to request a 1-turn chat to make contact with the Germans.
I believe it is under my power as MoT to get this done...
Do I need a poll?
And yeah, dont sell our contacts to anyone. We'll buy their contacts (or sail around and get them ourselves), but Shaka, Joan, Hammi and Hamurabi must not know of them!

So it has been written, so it shall be done.
Agree with every word in this post. :goodjob:
Don't trade Contacts.

DO Trade Techs except Chiv.

And this is important because this is my Province: 100 Gold and/or 5 GPT. This is what I give.
Stuck_As_a_Mac said:
I'd like to request a 1-turn chat to make contact with the Germans.
I believe it is under my power as MoT to get this done...
Do I need a poll?
And yeah, dont sell our contacts to anyone. We'll buy their contacts (or sail around and get them ourselves), but Shaka, Joan, Hammi and Hamurabi must not know of them!

So it has been written, so it shall be done.
I'm very much for a 1-turn turnchat to see if we can make contact.

BTW, we haven't broken any treaties, or conquered any civs, yet. So, our rep is still intact. The other world is obviously more advanced than us, getting into the middle ages first, so the effects of the Great Library are really null and void.
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