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Let The Sun Never Set - Farewell SG for RFC

Great Engineer flies from Alexandria to Durban; I will found Mining Inc (I really like the production bonuses it offers)

Agree with founding Mining Inc as a corporation that we can make good use of. But the corporation headquarters should always be in our Stock Exchange city (Jerusalem), not Durban.
It doesn't really matter anymore, you now have more than enough power and stability to win domination...
Just be aware that America can now respawn at any time...unless you want to invade Europe and declare on Germany.
I propose to replay the turn set, but we need to vote on replays. Jusos2108 what is your opinion on a replay of the previous turn set?

If Mining Inc was indeed founded in Durban, I vote for replay. And please don't take it personally, we should discussed our congress behaviour earlier. Although I am guessing that you just forgot that we were about to steal Rocketry and the city placement in Australia.
Some other things I noticed when I loaded up Jusos2108's last savegame tonight:

Most of our cities that are producing units don't yet have Barracks.

A Great Engineer could probably be put to better use (part)-rushing Three Gorges Dam, which is 30-something turns away from completion in Cairo.

Cairo (or perhaps Alexandria) needs an Airport, as does Durban.

Jerusalem should be pumping out Jewish Missionaries at this point in time to increase the effect of the Temple of Solomon.

A second city in South Africa (which I noticed you had founded before the replay) seems a waste, because Durban's culture covers already almost our entire historical area on its own.

Overall, we have no absolutely no need to fear anyone, or even everyone, should a World War eventuate. Bring it on I say. We can fly Tanks into any given city from North America for instance and we already have our big stack of experienced Marines/Infantry and Cannons in Jerusalem.
Most of our cities that are producing units don't yet have Barracks.
I built barracks in quite a few cities the first time around. In other cities, I built air units which get +4 XP with an airport. I'm glad I didn't screw everything up.

Question before the replay:
The Congress will be redone, so what should our voting behavior be? I got the message that we will never give up cities under any circumstances even if a global coalition forms against us. (The first time around, I was afraid of Germany because the British Isles are lightly defended).

What should we do if a vassal wants a city that we plan to take for ourselves (like when William wanted Singapore?)
Defending England isn't an issue (just blockade the seas with some destroyers), it's more that you should ensure the defense of the Low Countries (the Dutch AI is inept at war and you don't want your espionage to go to waste). Fly troops into Amsterdam.

Did you bribe somebody to vote in your favor?
It is more likely to be just 2-3 civs that declare war on us rather than a coalition. If Spain, Germany or France do it, the defences must be upgraded.

Whenever our vassal wants a city that we would like to get vote: No.
Yes, if the bribe succeeds (is enough). I rarely use it, if somebody declares war, we just beat the crap out of him. the most annoying thing that they can accomplish is destroying some of our precious fishing nets (If if are prepared that is).
I built barracks in quite a few cities the first time around. In other cities, I built air units which get +4 XP with an airport. I'm glad I didn't screw everything up.

That's not a poke at you Science Rules, because Jusos2108 had set up the situation that way (i.e. building units in Chicago and Fort Rupert, which do not have a Barracks.

Question before the replay:
The Congress will be redone, so what should our voting behavior be? I got the message that we will never give up cities under any circumstances even if a global coalition forms against us. (The first time around, I was afraid of Germany because the British Isles are lightly defended).

What should we do if a vassal wants a city that we plan to take for ourselves (like when William wanted Singapore?)

We should almost always vote yes to a Congress question, because it usually gives other civs instability. However, I would vote no to a Vassal wanting a city that we want ourselves though, such as Singapore or a Canadian (Viking) city.
Here's my second shot:

Note, on my last turn I accidentally loaded two workers into a transport in the Bay of Bengal when doing a "Move All" command on a stack of tanks+calvary. Could Blizzrd please remove them next turn so that two more tanks can join the invasion of Burma?

I also apologize for stranding two workers in French owned Mombassa with Hostile territory on all sides. I sent them from Egypt to S. Africa because Egypt did not need any more improvement and I couldn't airlift them. I forgot about this when I declared war on Khmer, Turkey, Portugal etc.

I didn't take detailed notes this time as most things were very similar to before. One difference is that a Great Scientist was born in Ireland and a Great Prophet was born in Alexandria instead of a prophet in Ireland and an engineer in Alexandria. I did not start a golden age nor did I found a corporation.

Also, Turkey did not collapse (although Persia still re-spawned). So now we are at war with Turkey and all of its allies.

The Dutch are researching Satellites, which I think we can steal when they are done. But please check the sliders; I think I turned up the espionage slider so that I could steal Rocketry, but I don't think I turned it down.


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ScreenShots from the Congress


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A few other items:

I founded Cairns in the correct place.
I founded Walvis Bay so that we can put Namibia under our cultural influence (I doubt Durban we expand to Legendary culture)
I successfully bribed Spain in the Congress for about 450 gold; which allowed us to win a vote to take Singapore.

Lasa declared Independence from China. Do we want to aid China in taking it back?

Our military is on Baghdad's doorstep; we can take it next turn. We can also capture Pagan in the next few turns.
After looking the save I noticed few things that need to be done:

-More ships, British Isles are being overrun by Vikings, there is a transport in Washington, which can offer some assistance
-Also the Turkish navy in the Mediterranean Sea should wiped out asap, we have ships sitting in Jerusalem
-Ottomans have a big army 1S of Bamiyan (modern Uzbekistan), it needs some bombing
-Khmers also have a big army in Hanoi, which should be softened in order to prevent it approaching Hong Kong
-We should definetly adopt the authorian civics before conquering any more cities. Our stability is around 0 :eek:
Turn 0: 1884AD
Our stability is now only Stable (+1) and dropping. Our economy isn't in the best shape either, with 265g -86gpt at 70% espionage. By my calculations, we already have enough espionage points to be able to steal Satellites from the Dutch (once they learn it), so the time for espionage economy is over for now. The time is however right to do some trading.

Our friends Japan and Mali are pleased to give us 150g and 40g respectively. France pays 65g for our map and Persia is willing to pay 20g for it. Sign Open Borders with Persia and Mongolia. Return Wheat to China, Fish to Inca and Fish to Dutch, as we were previously demanding the only one of each of these commodities from our vassals and we have plenty of each not to need more. Our vassals are a bit backwards though relative to the rest of the world, particularly for naval techs, so I gift Chemistry to China and Military Science and Chemistry to Inca. Upgrade deals with Aztec (2gpt to 3gpt) and Spain (14gpt to 15gpt). Trade Football to Spain for Wine. Sell Economics to Mongolia for 90g.

We currently have four great people (2x Scientists, 1x Artist and 1x Prophet) as well as a Great General. One Scientist heads towards Durban to build an Academy, while the other Great People trigger our next Golden Age. That will kick start our economy. But I also switch civics to Police State/Nationalism/State Property/Occupation. With so much war going on around us and plenty of cities currently under revolt following conquest, we will reap some stability benefits from these civics.

We are under naval blockade from Vikings in particular but also Germany around our homeland. Dublin is currently starving and Inverness and Manchester will be starving shortly also. Dublin drafts an Infantry. Inverness and Southampton switch to building Attack Subs. Washington switches to Christian Cathedral. Chicago is unhappy, so switches to building an Ampitheatre. Fort Rupert switches to building a Jail and Sydney switches to building a Work Boat (to assist Wellington).

We have some ships in Jerusalem that aren't doing anything currently (asleep) so these units set sail and destroy 2x Turkish Frigates at Alexandria. Our fleet based in Singapore also sets sail and destroys 2x Khmer Frigates. Workers in Australia are reorganised from building railways to building more useful improvements like Farms and Windmills.

The Dutch are currently facing the full might of Germany and they are going to need our help to hold their cities on Continental Europe. Some defenders fly in to both Amsterdam and Frederickstad. The spies sitting about in Jerusalem head for Turkish cities to the north. Our economy is now 685g +60gpt at 80% Science (Golden Age assisted).

Turn 1: 1886AD
Turkish spies destroy the Customs House in Jerusalem. Our spy in Iskenderun undertakes a counter-espionage mission against Turkey to prevent any more funny business like this. Some Khmer Cavalry that were hiding in the Jungle near Patna make a run for home. They don't make it and are both destroyed by our Tanks. Many naval battles are fought, all of which end in our favour, resulting in the destruction of 1x Khmer Frigate in the Bay of Bengal, 1x Viking Galleon in the North Atlantic and 1x Turkish Frigate in the Adriatic Sea. A Turkish Cavalry next to Jerusalem is destroyed. Our airforce heavily bombs Pagan and our loaded troops nearby capture the city easily.
Spoiler :
Defenders are airlifted into Pagan. Our large stack next to Baghdad makes short work of the Turkish defenders, for the loss of just one Artillery.
Spoiler :
Sun Tzu is attached to a Destroyer based in Jerusalem. Trade Football to France for 3gpt. Ask for 1gpt from Persia for 10 turns of peace. Our vanguard units in Dutch lands destroy a German Infantry outside of Amsterdam.

Turn 2: 1888AD
Mass Media is learnt, I choose to finish Computers next. This will obsolete the Spinal Minaret, but our economy can handle this easily now. More naval combat results in the destruction of 2x Viking Frigates near Dublin, 1x Turkish Frigate near Jerusalem and 1x German Frigate in the Adriatic Sea. More reinforcements are flown into Dutch cities.

Turn 3: 1890AD
A Machine Gun is lost defending Frederickstadt, but the city holds off the German assault for now. A Turkish Rifleman wandering near Baghdad is destroyed. Our airforce carpet bombs the defences of German New Guinea and our seaborne tanks roll into town.
Spoiler :
More naval combat results in the destruction of 1x Khmer Frigate near Somalia, 1x German Frigate near Amsterdam and 1x Turkish Ironclad near Athens. Upgrade our cash deal with Inca from 2gpt to 4gpt.

Turn 4: 1892AD
Another Machine Gun is lost defending Frederickstadt, but our surviving Machine Gun takes down a German Infantry and Cannon on defense and promotes. Computers is learnt and Robotics is next. More naval combat leaves 2x German Frigates at the bottom of the North Sea and 1x Turkish Frigate and 1x Galleon at the bottom of the Aegean Sea. 2x German Infantry are killed outside of Frederickstadt by our newly arrived Tanks. We are now Very Solid (+40) for stability.
Turn 5: 1894AD
A lone Khmer Rifleman approaches Patna and is destroyed. A Viking Frigate is sunk in the Baltic Sea. Our airforce bombs the German stack outside of Frederickstadt and our Tanks make short work of 3x German Infantry and 1x Cavalry. Further airforce bombing reduces the defences of Iskenderun to 0%. A Turkish Ironclad is sunk in the Aegean Sea and the Great General Arminius is born in Chicago. He gets on a plane for the Middle East. Upgrade our cash deal with Japan to 8gpt.

Turn 6: 1896AD
A Great Engineer is born in Chicago and heads for Jerusalem to rush Hollywood. We steal Satellites from the Dutch.
Spoiler :
Our surplus spies in Amsterdam steal 136g and 101g and get reloaded on a Transport and dropped back into Amsterdam. Another Viking Frigate is sunk in the Baltic Sea (is it the last one?) and Francis Drake (now a Destroyer) rips up a couple of German fishing boats.

Time for some expansion, so we adopt Resettlement and found Salisbury (Rhodesia) north of Durban to box in the Portuguese enclave in Mozambique. Iskenderun is pounded again by our airforce and our tanks waiting in Jerusalem make short work of the defenders. The city is razed (outside of our historical area, but culturally cramping Jerusalem and Baghdad). More German losses are sustained outside of Frederickstadt. We force Turkey to adopt Pacifism using an espionage mission. A Khmer Galleon is sunk near Singapore.

Turn 7: 1898AD
The Dutch capture Markland (northern Canada) from the Vikings. German Infantry is destroyed outside of Frederickstadt by our defenders inside the Dutch city. Portugal breaks free from Turkey. Regina is founded and then we switch civics back to Occupation.
Spoiler :
A German Cavalry is destroyed outside Frederickstadt. A Khmer Caravel is destroyed near Jayakarta. Frankfurt is bombed. China scrapes back to Shaky (was Unstable for quite a few turns).

Turn 8: 1900AD
Hollywood is built in Jerusalem.
Spoiler :
A Germany Cavalry is destroyed outside Frederickstadt and the Germany assault on the Dutch cities seems to have petered out. Aksum is bombed and our troops capture the Turkish-controlled city and liberate to our vassal Arabia. The city is still in revolt for the next 8 turns though which will allow us to settle Sudan in the meantime.

A German Frigate is sunk in Hudson Bay. Arminius is attached to a Destroyer in Alexandria and promoted to Blitz. Sailing forth, Arminius heads for the Adriatic Sea and sinks 1x Turkish Frigate, 1x German Ship of the Line and 4x German Frigates. Academy is built in Durban. A Turkish Rifleman wandering past Baghdad is destroyed. We are currently Solid (+27) for stability.

Turn 9: 1902AD
Three Gorges Dam is finished in Cairo (very good decision to build this in Asia).
Spoiler :
More expansion is required and another quick burst of Resettlement is adopted. Khartoum is founded in Sudan. Culture slider is put to 100% for just the next turn to pop the borders on our newest cities. Naval combat results in the sinking of 1x Khmer Frigate near Singapore, 1x German Ship of the Line in the Adriatic Sea and 1x German Ironclad in the Baltic Sea.

Turn 10: 1904AD
Mali breaks free from France. Frankfurt is bombed to within an inch of its life. Our Tanks swarm over the defenders and remove 6 German units, leaving just one wounded defender inside the city. Hopefully the Dutch will get the hint and try to capture this city soon. Adopt Occupation again.

Trading time again. Upgrade our cash deal with Spain from 15gpt to 17gpt. Upgrade our cash deal with France from 9gpt to 10gpt. Upgrade our cash deals with Mali from 3gpt to one deal for 4gpt. Upgrade our cash deal with Aztec from 3gpt to 4gpt. Demand 30g from Mongolia for 10 turns of peace. Request 150g from the Dutch. Demand 70g from Japan (vassal of Spain - hence no peace treaty).
Suggested to do list:
  1. Link up our northern African and southern African colonies through Kenya using some settlers and some conquering by force.
  2. Conquer British Guiana in South America
  3. Found Jamaica (settler is ready and waiting)
  4. Found some other Island colonies such as Falklands
  5. Build more Intelligence Agencies and Security Bureaus for stability
  6. After research is done on Robotics, switch to espionage economy for a few turns to enable sufficient build up of espionage points against the Dutch to steal Advanced Flight
Our growing empire:
Spoiler :
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