link to PACIFIST's guide to CIV VI & rant

Looks at date of OP, hmmm.

Civ 6 is actually the best in the series imho for turtlers. Compare this to like SMAC where they simply won't peace out with you unless you take some of their cities, and even then certain leaders like Miriam still won't peace out. Here it's easy to play defensive, defeat their piddly attacks and peace out. I would say the only annoyance for me is starting in the middle, that can still be very dangerous in the early game.
Looks at date of OP, hmmm.

Civ 6 is actually the best in the series imho for turtlers. Compare this to like SMAC where they simply won't peace out with you unless you take some of their cities, and even then certain leaders like Miriam still won't peace out. Here it's easy to play defensive, defeat their piddly attacks and peace out. I would say the only annoyance for me is starting in the middle, that can still be very dangerous in the early game.

Considering I revived some of my threads from 2002 maybe not. I have found if you build the military up it gets easier. Also removing all victory conditions except domination.

I have managed to get a lot of gold per turn even without doing Spiffing Brit type shenaingans.
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