Looks like both tech and civic can be researched twice to gain more bonus


Mar 10, 2008
As shown in the tech tree and civic tree (from boesthius' youtube video), something called "Mastery" are attached to certain tech/civics. Do you like the idea?

tech tree.jpg

civic tree.jpg
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I can't really tell what they're trying to do with this feature. I wonder if this has something to do with players being locked into an age until everyone is ready to progress to the next one. If that's the case, these are maybe created for the purpose of giving players who play well a bit of an advantage. Another possibility is that they thought about expanding the tech tree to include subdisciplines (e.g. unlocking Computers opens up research on Internet, AI, etc.), but decided that was too complicated. Hard to tell whether I'll like this feature without knowing why it's there.

One thing I'd like to see changed is the way the Mastery extension is displayed. It should just be absorbed into the tech/civic it extends. A tech/civic can be indicated to have been mastered with a glowing outline around the rectangle or something like that. I don't really see why a separate rectangle is needed for each Mastery extension.
I like the idea of a mastery branch.

Civ tech trees had some tech that were “dead end” branches anyways…a tech that wasn’t required to continue a path to more tech, they just sat there and you spent time unlocking it, or you skipped it.

This takes the place of those extra “dead end” branch, while presenting them as a close association to a given tech category that you can spend extra time learning more about if the benefits seem worth it to your civ

Same idea, more elegant presentation.

Are the icons in the skill trees placeholders for artwork in that build? Doesn’t make sense what else they would be gameplay wise, they shouldn’t be a secret after you learned the tech.

Also, how come techs down the branch, everything isn’t hidden? Is it a special ability of Egypt to see what buildings/wonders can be built in any future tech?
As I understand it based on Quill18's video and my own interpretation of the underlying ideas, the idea is that a science focus doesn't result in a tech lead, but rather in the ability to deepen your understanding of technologies, providing extra benefits and counting towards the science "victory" stuff, or however that exactly works in the game.
there is still no info on what happens to your tech tree from the age when the age changes. can you still research stuff on it? is it over and you need to research new stuff? do you get the basic stuff for free but someone who played well has unlocked the 2nd levels? can you abuse the system by rushing the important 2nd levels instead of all the tree since you will get it for free? a lot of questions , but no answers yet
I like the idea of a mastery branch.

Civ tech trees had some tech that were “dead end” branches anyways…a tech that wasn’t required to continue a path to more tech, they just sat there and you spent time unlocking it, or you skipped it.

This takes the place of those extra “dead end” branch, while presenting them as a close association to a given tech category that you can spend extra time learning more about if the benefits seem worth it to your civ

Same idea, more elegant presentation.

Are the icons in the skill trees placeholders for artwork in that build? Doesn’t make sense what else they would be gameplay wise, they shouldn’t be a secret after you learned the tech.

Also, how come techs down the branch, everything isn’t hidden? Is it a special ability of Egypt to see what buildings/wonders can be built in any future tech?
I think I agree on liking the Mastery concept, although I do kinda hope instead of just being 'Mastery' or 'Writing II' they get unique names and quotes still, with more advanced developments/concepts of the original tech perhaps? So like, the first Mastery of Writing is 'Cataloguing' or 'Series' with bonuses to libraries or somesuch.
I can't really tell what they're trying to do with this feature. I wonder if this has something to do with players being locked into an age until everyone is ready to progress to the next one. If that's the case, these are maybe created for the purpose of giving players who play well a bit of an advantage. Another possibility is that they thought about expanding the tech tree to include subdisciplines (e.g. unlocking Computers opens up research on Internet, AI, etc.), but decided that was too complicated. Hard to tell whether I'll like this feature without knowing why it's there.

One thing I'd like to see changed is the way the Mastery extension is displayed. It should just be absorbed into the tech/civic it extends. A tech/civic can be indicated to have been mastered with a glowing outline around the rectangle or something like that. I don't really see why a separate rectangle is needed for each Mastery extension.
Yes, I think it would be better either with fleshed out tech names and icons for these mastery techs OR as you describe making them not be a separate rectangle.

The way it is presented now, with no unique names and only a II icon, makes it seem like filler
This is pure speculation, but this is actually something I've been asking for on my wishlist for Civ7. My thought would be that this allows you to skip certain applications of a tech in order to faster research the next tech. This would be useful if you're behind in a technology branch and want to speed through some techs that are outdated compared to the tech level that other civs are on. It could also be useful to put certain units/features that require specific resources in these branches, so that you can skip researching, say, Horsemen, if you don't have access to horses.
Most likely this is in place to give some reward to those players who prioritize research. Because otherwise the age reset would even the playing field considerably. I'm guessing the masteries will help your civ maintain some sort of scientific dominance. Otherwise I will be sorely disappointed.
I think we need more info. But so far it seems interesting, and gives options, maybe I really want to double down in a certain strategy before branching out, or if I'm enough ahead in the Era I can go back and specialize further before the crisis.
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