Macedonian Hetairoi Description Bug


Sep 18, 2013
Hi All,

I keep getting this weird bug that instantly crashes my games:

[3598764.866] [Localization] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: LocalizedText.Language, LocalizedText.Tag
[3598764.866] [Localization]: While executing - 'insert into EnglishText('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);'
[3598764.866] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into EnglishText('Tag', 'Text') with values (LOC_UNIT_MACEDONIAN_HETAIROI_DESCRIPTION, Macedonian unique heavy cavalry unit that replaces the Horseman. Additional +5 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength when adjacent to a Great General. +5 Great General points when killing an enemy unit. Starts with 1 free Promotion., ).
[3598764.866] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while updating table EnglishText from file Macedonia_Persia_ConfigText.xml.
[3598764.866] [Localization] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: LocalizedText.Language, LocalizedText.Tag

Is there any way I can repair this?

Okay so basically the game is saying that you can't put LOC_UNIT_MACEDONIAN_HETAIROI_DESCRIPTION in to the localised text table because it already exists there. If you're trying to edit the description of the DLC Macedonian UU, then you want to use INSERT OR REPLACE INTO instead of just INSERT INTO. If you're trying to make your own Macedonian Hetaroi, you need a different name for that piece of text.
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