Maintainence Cost for Wonders

Yes. I had hoped to employ wonders costs as a cheesy way to stop some tribes from getting too rich. Alas, it does not seem to work.
You could do what Captain Nemo did in Red Front, and give the AI an unessesary city improvement with a high maintinence cost. (in Red Front Nemo renamed the SDI defence 'concentration camp', and gave them a cost of 50 per turn)
In my case I am not concerned about the AI. If it was the AI I could just use events to minus X amount per turn. To do this for a human would be very confusing for him as he would be losing money even though his budget balanced.

I am already using the maintenance cost idea but a smart human would sell all the redundant improvements and make a windfall at the same time.
maybe the palace could be changed and used?..can't sell those.
Originally posted by kobayashi
I am already using the maintenance cost idea but a smart human would sell all the redundant improvements and make a windfall at the same time.

Why don't you give vital improvements (city walls, airports) high maintenance costs?
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