Making a Civ like game: Is 500x500 hex too big/small for a game map?


Oct 25, 2014
Making a [Civ like] game with 500x500 tiles. Its only like 74k land tiles , rest sea tiles. But I kinda want all 195 nations to start on map. That gives like 380 land tiles per nation on start.

Now cities in my game wont be like one tile surounded with a number of districs. Its gonna be more of a town spaning over 5x5 tiles atleast to big cities like 10/15 x 10/15. That like one major city per nation.

Still 500x500 feels "small" when considering 195 nation.

(yea, military victory in the traditional way of these kinda games ain't happening here)


Moderator Action: Context added to post & title - Blake00
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Making a game 500x500 tiles. Its only like 74k land tiles , rest sea tiles. But I kinda want all 195 nations to start on map. That gives like 380 land tiles per nation on start.

Now cities in my game wont be like one tile surounded with a number of districs. Its gonna be more of a town spaning over 5x5 tiles atleast to big cities like 10/15 x 10/15. That like one major city per nation.

Still 500x500 feels "small" when considering 195 nation.

(yea, military victory in the traditional way of these kinda games ain't happening here)

View attachment 708256
The numbered iteration of Civ this is intended for is not made clear. :confused:
I'm glad you posted that video as up until then no one had a clue what you were talking about as despite conveying all that info in your first post you didn't mention that you're actually making your own new Civ game and this is the map for it (and not a map for some other existing Civ like game). It's kind of like you started the forum post half way through a conversation and thought that we were all there for the start of it, but we weren't lol!!!!! If you started talking about making a game in some other thread that doesn't really help things here in this one as it's best to talk about your project in one thread so people can follow it properly. So I've added that rather critical missing context info to your post and title here so no one else gets confused.

Very cool that you're making a new Civ like game though. :) Good luck with your project and please keep us updated (in one project thread lol).
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I'm glad you posted that video as up until then no one had a clue what you were talking about as despite conveying all that info in your first post you didn't mention that you're actually making your own new Civ game and this is the map for it (and not a map for some other existing Civ like game). It's kind of like you started the forum post half way through a conversation and thought that we were all there for the start of it, but we weren't lol!!!!! If you started talking about making a game in some other thread that doesn't really help things here in this one as it's best to talk about your project in one thread so people can follow it properly. So I've added that rather critical missing context info to your post and title here so no one else gets confused.

Very cool that you're making a new Civ like game though. :) Good luck with your project and please keep us updated (in one project thread lol).
haha, the way you explained how it felt when you first read my thread is how my wife is alot of times. She would tell me something without me understanding what she is thinking about, but kinda just assuming I already know. And I allways have to tell to to talk in whole sentences :)

Thanks for updating my title mate
Map update.

Time to generate whole map.
Total(): 35.422 sec

Is it too long? I have a beefy pc as well, so kinda worried how potato pc's will preform.

Map final stats:
Doubled layered.
Layer 1 is only 250x250 hexes.
Layer 2 is 1000x1000 hexes.
Total hexes 1 062 500

Will upload video soon.

Would you say this terrain gen looks like Continents or Islands?

Haven't touched project for a long while so just looking at it.

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