
The Godjester

Oct 17, 2010
I'd like to start by saying that I have zero modding abilities, and i'm just an "idea" guy: with that said, given the right amount of information I think I could overcome my shortcomings and mod this idea by myself...
Which brings me to the point.

I'd like to know if adding a new resource, linked to the population (both as a total number as of all the cities, or specifically linked to one city's pop) which i'd like to call "Manpower". My mod idea is to make use of the 1UPt and taking it to the "extreme" if you want: the very basic idea is having a resource which is consumed, as are other strategic resources, by building units BUT isn't replenished when the actual unit dies, to simulate the importance of the manpower resource (which is a real life issue in wars, especially in the ancient world) and to put a stop to incredibly gigantic armies, which are in my opinion the real issue with 1Upt.

The trade-off (excuse my economic language ;) ) would be between not only either concentrating on pop growth or wide expansion, but also force the player to really care for every single unit produced and maintaining them for as long as possible, 'cause when they are gone, they are gone, and only when new blood becomes available, more could be trained.

As a very very very alpha mathematical equation, I'd just go with:
Where X is Manpower, and Y is the actual population.
That would mean that starting out we couldn't train a new unit, until we hit pop 2 in the capital, which isn't that bad, but if it'd prove too restrictive, just moving to a X=Y would be sufficient in my opinion.

AI wise, I think it would calm them. A lot. Much of the AI aggressiveness is linked to the fact that they can churn out tons of units, with zero to none consequences. Of course it would have to be tested.

The only units that wouldn't make sense in this mod-idea is missiles, and they are the only ones I would exclude from the manpower resource, because even tanks have specially trained people inside, don't you agree? :king:
For that matter, another balancing issue I can foresee is having to determine if units which already have a strategic need (Ex. Horsemen) would be too costly for their additional advantage to become a no-go in the building queue.

But this is already enough meat in the stewpot for one post.
So if somebody could direct me and/or tell me if this idea is feasible at all (with current modding tools), or just wants to pitch in and discuss this idea's pro/cons, please do and thank you for your time. :goodjob:

Moderator Action: Threads merged. One is certainly enough ;).
I also had an idea somewhat like this, to make a slaves resource. You can tie that into this and just make slaves traded manpower (perhaps causing unhappiness)
Can't say I'm an expert modder but....

From a strictly xml stand point I think the closest you'd get is by making all military units cause unhappyness, then make extra population points produce happyness. I think that's already been done in a mod somewhere.

Otherwise, you'd need to use lua, which is a whole world that's over my head.
That's true, linking the military to unhappiness has already been done in the Civ Nights Mod (great mod btw), but it's a radically different approach from what I envisioned...
Been looking at lua these past few days, and I'm in total darkness as to what to do.:confused:
The slaves idea is very interesting, and would actually be very nice with some social policies (i'm thinking especially in the military/piety branch) that actually give not only a bonus but also a malus for some stuff, like using slaves...
I miss that from CivIv's more complex mods, and would like to be able to bring that "trade-off" feeling in more choices.
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