[Map Script] Random Script Chooser

The other way - with -40 they might start closer than with -20.

When i rmember correctly the value is applied as follows:

Base minimum distance - how many plots must be between two starting plots - is somewhere in xml.

The base is assumed to be 100%, while the value from the method modifies the % value. So at -20 starting plots might be as close as 80% of the base value. At -40 this would be 60%.
Great script! I love a bit of randomness in Civ IV, but I found the existing "shuffle" option to be a bit lacking. Now I get tons of random . Nice work

Thanks a lot ^^
Thanks so much for your script; I was searching for it some time ago, but must have missed it here !

Also, the script does appear (and works well) if I launch a custom game, but does not appear in the map type chooser when I launch "play now"; is this the expected behavior? Not that it bothers me, but just in case... :)
I have locked it from showing up in the "Play Now" list. I felt those are to many options you are asked for (there will be a extra screen for every custom option)
def isAdvancedMap():
	"This map should not show up in simple mode"
	return 1
Find the code above and change it to "return 0", if you wat it to show up in "Play Now"
Hi Refar,

Would it be OK if we included your Random Script Chooser in a future patch?
Sure, go ahead. Would be happy to see it happen :D

Here's the latest version. Everything same as above but merged into one file (it's messier to edit than the 2-file version, but i think more end-user friendly, as the 2-file version seem to cause trouble sometims (i.e. Multiplayer)).

EDIT: the one-file-version can is now in the DB. Linked in the first post.
Refar, is it possible to have LDiCesare's Tectonics Maps Script as one of the options of the Random Map Script? It would be cool to interlink them somehow, particularly as both are being requested by Firaxis for the future patch! (asked this question in LDiCesare's thread too).

I asked for (and got) LDiCesare's permission a while ago, however did not come to actually merge the scripts...
My only makes land/sea and leaves Terrain/Features to the default, while Tectonics includes functiones for Terrain, Forests, Rivers etc. This is not a real hindrance, however some de-generalization and special case handling might be required...
Also if i merge Tectonics into RMS, all of the user otions Tectonics offers would have to go (hardcoded choices or left to random) and since i did not played many Tectonics games myself, i am not sure what choices would be the best...

Perhaps i should overcome my lazyness and look into it again :D
You could use only the land/sea part form tectonics, with the settings of either 60 or 70% water (or set randomize the number of sea and land plates).
The climate part is neat enough to be bundled if you want to. The rivers part probably not. Features (floodplains, forests...) and resources are standard in Tectonics, except for a minor quirk to correct missing floodplains in deserts.
When this script has decided which map to use, are then the default options for that map type used, or random ones? For example, if it randomly selects a Hemispheres map (or the user selects that), how is the number of continents determined and will there be just 'tiny islands' cause it's the default, or might there be 'islands' too?
Random, wherever possible, however some options are biased or resrticted.
Hemispheres will have max. 2 - 4 continents.
The Island/Continent shape/size are choosen per area, so the same map might contain one massive and one snaky continent for example.
Few extra patches of tiny islands are added to all map types, as i feel that this makes a map more "natural".
This mod is fantastic, exactly what i've been looking for. Refar you somehow psycicly knew the maps that i wanted to see in this.

Thanks for the great effort :goodjob:
File was lost in the DB. Reuploaded, the DB link in the first post should be working again.

Also made a small update, when i was at it - it comes in one file now - easier to use and safer for MP.
thanks for the great work with this. my favorite portion of game is the early exploration phase. i always felt that when you already know what type of map you are playing on it takes away from the game. there is also more of a challenge adapting your strategy when you see the lay of the land. thanks again!
This is a great addition to BTS. Thank you for adding a truly random option for us. One question on starting points---specifically 'script default' limitations versus 'none'. Does choosing 'none' mean civs could randomly be started right next to each other, or settlers could land in deserts or mountain ranges? Thanks for your help.
"Script Default" will make the start plots follow the rules of the chosen script. So for example if you set "Script Default" and a Terra-type map is drawn (or selected) everyone will start in the old world, like on the default terra map.

"No Conditions" merely means that no user set special condition will be enforced.

Those settings do not affect the basic rules of start plot placement - regardles what condition you choose, there will be no "Bad" terrain within the capitals BFC, and the starting plot will match the "Quality Requirement", as it does with the standard scripts.
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