Max number of cities


Sep 2, 2003
Is there one? And if there is, and you build that many, what haoppens if you take over enemy cities after that?
There is a maximum number (127 or 255; cant remember which?) that applies to ALL cities of all civs (including Barbs), not just your own civ.

Someone help us here in our dotage...
255 total cities are allowed in the game.

So, assuming you knock the AI down to one city, your civ can have 254 cities of it's own. If you are lucky enough to bump off a civ and they have a none settler active, you can then have all 255 cities (bumping off a civ and having them restart, but not allowing them to build a city works as well).
I know there are ways to exceed the normal limitations on map size; could there be a way around that 255 city total?
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