Merging History Rewritten with 32Civs


Dec 22, 2015
Hey Xyth!
So, I began to add an additional unique unit and building per civ in Civ4. When I got to India, I went to History Rewritten to see what you had (the original game has the "Fast Worker" for India, but I feel a unique elephant unit is needed to make the game complete). Upon seeing your unique units for India (the Ratha and the Siege Elephant), and reading their excellent entries, I realized your mod has already added an additional unique unit and building for each civ in such a spectacular way, I'm essentially wasting my time (working alone, at least).

The entire point of my mod is to make Civ4 accurate, playable, and aesthetic. I only figured out recently that Blue Marble is an awesome mod that should be combined with mine to make it more aesthetic, and I wasn't going to make sure my mod is compatible with Blue Marble until I'd made these additoinal unique units and buildings for my next update. Your mod has already incorporated Blue Marble plus custom art for units, buildings, and even leaderheads and natural wonders in a way that is absolutely superb.

Therefore, it seems I am combining my mod with yours!

I would just call my mod quits and deem yours the "Ultimate (but not Caveman2Cosmos)" Civ4 mod, but I need to play all the way through your mod first, and my mod does have some niche characteristics that could be merged with your mod to create the "Ultimate-Ultimate (but still not Caveman2Cosmos)" Civ4 mod, as well as some design differences that would need to be reconciled.

For example, I spent years perfecting my map. It uses the original 32 resources, plus 4 more. Compare our Japans:
Japan: Both mods: (Fish, Clam, Crab, Silk, Copper, Silver, Pigs, Horses, Coal) 32Civs only: (Stone, Gold, Incense, Cattle, Dyes, Deer) History Rewritten only: (Tea, Hemp, Saltpeter)
As you can see, we've both put a lot of work into our mods. My Earth maps have so many resources placed, more resources can't be added to the maps. Yours, on the other hand, has cool new resources added. Bringing the resources of my map, to your map (which is larger), would likely take years (unfortunately).

My mod is defined as only XML coding except for a DLL with a single change that sets the max number of civs to 34. The Fast Worker seems partly a design workaround of the SDK: the Worker's "Middle East" art looks Mesopotamian, but India uses the "Middle East" artwork for units when the art changes. So, I do think there is some merit in me continuing my mod -- by limiting myself to no SDK changes (beyond the max civ change), the mod retains the original game's structure, and makes it easier to combine my changes with other mods (like yours). I am thinking I can rename the unit to "Karmic Worker", and write an updated entry (not that this should be included in your mod, which already has perfect units for India, as for all its civs, displayed alonside two unique buildings and starting technologies as 2 2 2, the ultimate angel number. Was that on purpose??).

Still, I am using art from your mod, such as for the Cidainh (Celtic Chariot), Eagle Warrior, and Dojo. It's practically impossible to not do so, if adding more unique units and buildings to Civ4. I humbly request your permission to do so.

In return, I'll get started right away on writing important missing entries in History Rewritten, and send them to you. I'll also play through an entire game of History Rewritten to better understand all the changes. (History Rewritten has so many new, accurate, and cool design choices; it's not just impossible to add unique units/buildings without referencing and using History Rewritten, to mod Civ4 at all without knowledge of History Rewritten is futile).

The most important missing entries of History Rewritten (to me, and that I am offering to immediately work on and send to you) are those of the Celts. In my mod, I've played as the Celts multiple times, but haven't won yet. I got to the Modern age with them on the Earth's Major Cities map before making a change that made the game unplayable. On the Settler's Earth Basemap, I've gotten to the Medieval era and founded eight cities, the last being Numantia, which I keep founding in Australia. Curiously, my ninth Celtic city, that I haven't gotten to in a game yet, is Brú na Bóinne -- the unique Celtic building in your mod that needs an entry.

Also curiously, I've compiled a list of wonders I'd add to the game (, and have been gradually writing entries for them as I've updated my mod. What's curious is, for my next update, the last of the eight wonders I've written an entry for? Newgrange, the main monument of Brú na Bóinne. So, I'll have to play as the Celts in both our mods. Even more curious still, I thought there was no artwork for Newgrange, and had it listed as such with a plea for someone to help me with artwork for it, but then just yesterday noticed your cool Brú na Bóinne/Newgrange model, and have now appropriately edited the thread to reflect such.

So, I'm at a crossroads where I'm unsure what to do with Civ4, but I do know your mod, History Rewritten, is so awesome, that I'll either be playing, referencing, using(?), or updating it !!

Thanks for all your hard work, and congrats for making such an incredibly cool mod !!

Let me know if if I can use some of your art, and you'd like those Civilopedia entries, or if you prefer to work alone.

LightProof (Luke1195)
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Why not dharmic?

He hasn't written anything here since 2022, pm him or better yet - contact on Discord, I know for sure he answers there.
Thanks for letting me know, Mr Smith! I PMd him here, and I'll see if I can find him on Discord?
Also thanks for your suggestion. I'll definitely write the Indian worker's Civilopedia entry to be acceptable for either "Karmic Worker" or "Dharmic Worker". I'm not sure what the final name will be.
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