Middle Earth Map?

Dugall McKangis

Aug 27, 2003
Well no I don't HAVE a new map done. YET. While I see there are a few Middle Earth maps around here I did notice that with every one of them it just proves you can't please everyone all the time.

Now I've recently just got back into Civ III and discovered the wonderous customizing that can be done. Having just a little TOO much fun I'm actually contemplating making a new map.

Not just any map no.. and not just any Middle Earth map. Rather the idea is a map that will please even the Tolkien purists (if that is even possible) who will no doubt point out every little detail left out that they believe can be fit on a Civ III map.

Really I only want to make it for my own personal use but I figure what the heck. If I'm going to even try it I might as well do it right. To that end I will be seeking a great deal of constructive criticisms and personal opinions.

So what I've got is a 256x256 map. The largest I believe allowed by the editor.

So question #1. How many really want someone to make this map..

and #2 Do you want the entire continent or zoomed in from South Gondor up north to where? Obviously the question here is the level of detail.

Personally what I'm looking for is just the ultimate map for ME to have fun playing whatever it is I want to play with good civs and really really evil civs whom, being a serious pain in the butt.. I get to thrash into non-existance. :)

What I will NOT do is add scenario/mod related stuff. 1: What I want to do myself is not what others will want. 2: Once the map is done I don't care who does what with it and there are enough talented people here who can do that.

I think I've got about all the mountain ranges in. I'm starting to add some of the forests and rivers.. and more rivers.. and.. well.. a lot of rivers. Also a couple inland seas added plus the Great Desert and a large part of the Northern Wastes.


Current picture: Gondor and the White Mountains

Needless to say the map itself is quite sizable. A few notes, at the moment I don't believe this will be good for a true LoTR mod. The portion of the map where LoTR takes place isn't really all that big.

Just to give you an idea of the size though, one square made up of the lat. & lon. lines still visable represent enough open space for a single civ to place the maximum number of cities allowed without overlaping and still have some room left over. :)

Even so, certain locations do not provide enough room for proper placement of key cities. The first location of note is Moria. While it can be done with a VERY tight fit, I'm guessing most people would rather have more room.

Yes I'm aware it it looks vertically squished. Blame it on the isometric view of the game. :)
I reckon some people would be interested in this map. There's a Tolkein mod being made at the moment, you should go there and ask if they want your map added to the mod.
Yeah I know. I've been hovering about the forums for a little while now. I figured anyone working on a mod would find the map long before it was finished anyway and once it's done they can use it if they like it or not.

Honestly I'm making the map for myself but so long as I am I might as well take a little extra time, do it right, get some feedback while I'm doing it and make it available when it's done if anyone wants it.
just go to completed modpacks and download Tolkein's middle earth, the map there is beautiful and great everything. Also check out Lord of the Mods part hex they are making a cool mod.

Just don't waste your time, help with The Lord of the Mods, part hex, you'll be moe useful there
Well again.. I'm making the map.. for ME. If anyone else wants to use it fine. I'm not trying to me useful. I just figured so long as I'm doing it I may as well make it available.

Also note the one I'm working on is significantly larger than what's available. In other words the other maps are not what *I* want. Therefore it's not a waste of my time.

Did I mention I'm a little insane? :D
You'd think I'd pick something smaller and with fewer expectations for my very first attempt wouldn't you? lol

Well it's just starting to take shape. Updated the pic. Might have some trouble with the lands south of Morder & north and east of Beleriand. Since I haven't found any maps of those regions yet. None with great detail at any rate.

Of course most interested in a LoTR mode wouldn't be interested in those anyway. Anything north Arnor, south of Gondor or east of Rhun & Mordor isn't really in the trilogy.
Great looking map Dugall McKangis:goodjob:! I really hope you go forward with this map, although from what you said, there is no doubt you will.
Dugall McKangis-
Of course most interested in a LoTR mode wouldn't be interested in those anyway. Anything north Arnor, south of Gondor or east of Rhun & Mordor isn't really in the trilogy.
You couldn’t be more wrong:). People simply call it the ‘LotR MOD’ in short hand, or they haven’t read the threads yet, or just heard about LotR from the movies (not that thats a bad thing). So don’t be fooled! It is a Middle-earth mod, in fact, we are talking about transcending this border and even making a spin off that takes place with a ‘good vrs evil’ MOD, including the lands of Valinor. The first thing I tried to get across was that we should split it up in different MODS. As of now it runs from the later first age, and on. Then a separate scenario for the quest of The Ring. Plus it will include standard size map versions, and larger ones. Yours would be ‘the large one’ :), and you can bet we will be hitting you up and asking if we can use it as soon as this, so far great looking map, is completed:goodjob:!
heheh thanks. But I don't think you can squeeze Valinor on a map. I'm using the largest possible and the one continent barely fits. :) and that looks squished cause of the isometric view.

Anyway... next preview pic is up. Man there are a lot of rivers in the western lands. The east and south look barren by comparison. :) and I'm learning a lot more about Arda geography than I ever really wanted to know. heheh

But that's not a bad thing. :) Now when all the LoTR nuts start mentioning places I might actually know where they're talking about! :)
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