Min_City_Range ignored?


Jan 12, 2005
nomad, USA
So one of the things I do with RAND is increase the distance required between cities back to normal Civ levels, in the GlobalDefines file. Rhye normally has it at 1, I switch it back to 2.

<!-- Rhye -->

Which works, or had worked, completely fine. Until today. Check the screenshot - somehow the Carthaginians managed to get Hippo on an island with only 1 square between it and Qart-Hadash!

I'm playing on Monarch, so I don't think it can be the AI popping a city from a hut. Maybe the island is considered a different continent, and that changes the code? Any ideas?


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you switched it back to 2? and this happened? weird :crazyeye:

OT: whoa, you Island looks like a horse with a dude on it
I think it's the continent thing or something, I remember seeing this happen to someone who was playing normal civ as well.

P.S.-Hopefully you won't have to do this next version because we'll have all civs on a standard map ;)
Its like the same thing in Earth 18civs with Paris and London. If the two cities are on different landmasses, they can violate the minimum city range restriction.
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