[Mod] AGs Extra Nations Mod


Aug 24, 2018

AGs Extra Nations Mod aims to add a few more Nations to the game. The nations tend to be around the same period of the existing periods but some exceptions may be made. The contents of this mod will be integrated into the AGs Tweak Mod but this mod will work in its standalone form for the base game. Art will be the weakest part of this mod so please tolerate the limitations of a modder who is trying his best. Feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed!

The mod hopes to achieve the following goals:
  • Add new nations that will have different focuses from existing nations
  • Add new family classes to help diversify the experience

For those interested in trying this mod out, you can do so in the game itself (see screenshot in the spoiler below) or through steam. The first version came out today (v0.0.1) so it's quite early in the mod's development. More changes are coming and the frequency will depend entirely on my free time. Ideally, I can get an update every week, though the size of the update will vary.

Spoiler :


Mod Additions/Changes (v0.0.1):

I prefer to include as many of the changes in spoilers for those who are interested in the smaller details of the mod. I will also include changelogs for those who prefer a summary. For this OP, I will include everything for v0.0.1. For later versions, the changelogs and details will be in their own posts and a link to that post will be accessible here. Note that not everything will be included or there are errors due to a change in value since there can be a lot of small changes and I forget to record them.

Spoiler Changelog :

-Added Shang Nation

-Added Farmer Family Class

-To-do-list: Character Portraits, Finish the nuances like luxuries for Farmer Family Class & Other minor things and balances

Note: From my testing, the nation works fine. It's still not complete (mostly art assets) but I haven't noticed anything that can cause crashes.

Spoiler Mod Details :

Spoiler Nation Changes/Additions :

[All Cities]: Double Civics from Scribes Specialists
[Capital City]: +25% Civics
Leader: Tang
Families: Farmer, Hunters, Patrons, Sages
Starting Techs: Ironworking, Administration, Divination
Unique Units: Mao Infantry (6 Strength, Pierce II and Anti-Mounted I) and Ge Infantry (8 Strength, Pierce I and Anti-Mounted II and Cleave I) [Both Units Cost and Consumes Food instead of Wood]
Unique Shrines: Heaven (+2 Culture/Year), Earth (+1 Order/Year), Stars (+1 Science/Year, +1 Growth per Adjacent Lumbermill), Harvest (+20% for Adjacent Farms, +1 Civics/Year per Adjacent Farm)

Spoiler Family Changes/Additions :

Farmer Family Class:
[Family Cities]: +5 Food/Year
[Family Cities]: -50% Specialist Costs
[Family Cities]: +10 Money/Year per Crop Resource
[Family Seat] +4 Growth/Year per Culture Level
[On Seat Founded] Gain Settler
Available to: Shang

Future Updates:
The following list include things I plan on changing or adding (in no particular order):
  • New Nations
  • New Families
  • New Units and Promotions
  • New Projects and Improvements
  • More Events (Possibly)
  • Character Portraits and other Art Assets (ongoing)
  • more stuff TBD...
I'm no artist and probably won't be an adept one. Therefore, you'll see that art assets will be very lacking in this mod. Odds are I'll be using copyright free images or reuse existing assets within the game itself with minor modifications.

Help Appreciated:
I would appreciate any help that can be given. Help can include the following but not limited to:
  • Playtest: Providing feedback and report bugs can aid the development and balance of the mod. (Yes, I do want to make the mod as balanced as possible)
  • Modding: People with experience with XML and willing to dig deep into the mod.
  • Artist: People with artistic skills and are willing to help make icons (promotions, tech, etc)
New update out! Added a new nation and a new family class. Mod should be compatible with the new update that has dynasty added.

Spoiler Changelog v0.0.2 :

-Added Zhou Nation

-Added Lords Family Class

-Added Crude Portraits used by both Shang and Zhou

-Minor Bugfixes and completioness changes

-To-do-list: Character Portraits, Other minor things and balances

Note: From my testing, both nations work fine. They are still not complete (mostly art assets) but I haven't noticed anything that can cause crashes.

Spoiler Mod Details :

Spoiler Nation Changes/Additions :

  • [All Cities]: +1 Culture and +0.5 Order from Shrines
  • [Capital City]: +25% Growth
  • Leader: Wu
  • Families: Lords, Landowner, Clerics, Traders
  • Starting Techs: Trapping, Administration, Divination
  • Unique Units: Bu Infantry (6 Strength, Anti-Infantry II) and Jiashi (8 Strength, Anti-Infantry II and Guard II)
  • Unique Shrines: Divination (+1 Culture/Year and -1 Discontent/Year), Earth (+1 Order/Year), Bronze Vessels (+2 Growth/Year, +20% for Adjacent Mines), Harvest (+20% for Adjacent Farms, +1 Civics/Year per Adjacent Farm)

Spoiler Family Changes/Additions :

  • [Family Cities] Farms: +50% Output
  • [Family Cities] +1 Growth/Year per Family Opinion Level
  • [Family Cities] +5 Money/Year per Family Opinion Level
  • [Family Seat] +2 Training/Year per Family Opinion Level
  • [On Seat Founded] +10 Border Tiles
  • Nations: Zhou
Common Traits: Builder, Diplomat and Schemer
Family Opinion Preferences:
  • Leader not an Adult: -20
  • Defended Cities: +20
  • Damaged Cities: -40
  • Missing Salt: -10/City
  • Missing Honey: -10/City
  • Serfdom: +20
  • Slavery: +20

Farmer Family Class:
Common Traits: Builder, Judge and Orator
Family Opinion Preferences:
  • Leader not an Adult: -20
  • Most Cities: +40
  • Fewest Cities: -40
  • Missing Salt: -10/City
  • Missing Honey: -10/City
  • Serfdom: +20
  • Each Farm: +1
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