[Mod] Improved Stable


King of the Universe
May 24, 2012
The Stable can now craft Fertilizer and Gunpowder. Historically Stables were a source of saltpeter and manure.



Installation instructions:
  • If you haven't already done this, first step is to create a Mods folder in Documents/My Games/Ara History Untold
  • Extract the mod into the Mods folder
  • Find the Settings_v121 file. It's located in: Your Name/AppData/Local/Ara History Untold. Open the file with Notepad.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file. You will see EnableMods=0. Change the 0 to a 1
  • Below that you will see "GameCoreMod0Source=; Set name of directory in user mods folder to read mod source data from."
  • Make it look like this: GameCoreMod0Source=Improved_Stable
  • Save the file
  • Now you can launch the game and the mod will automatically load.
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Posted a small update. Renamed the file to Improved_Stable. So basically I added an underscore. The space was preventing me from loading the file into the game. You will need to change the file name in the Settings_v121 file. It was a weird issue because the mod worked for me last night. Took me all day to figure this out :undecide:

Edit: I changed the name of the mod just before I posted it last night which explains why I didn't catch it.
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Good stuff. Thanks for doing this. 😃
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