[Mod] Longhouse


King of the Universe
May 24, 2012


  • New building the Longhouse
  • Can be built on turn 1
  • Upgrades to the Palace
  • Provides the same QOL boost as the Palace
  • +3 Housing for the Longhouse and +5 Housing for the Palace
  • Utilizes the Gathering Hall art asset
Installation instructions:
  • If you haven't already done this, first step is to create a Mods folder in Documents/My Games/Ara History Untold
  • Extract the mod into the Mods folder
  • Find the Settings_v121 file. It's located in: Your Name/AppData/Local/Ara History Untold. Open the file with Notepad.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file. You will see EnableMods=0. Change the 0 to a 1
  • Below that you will see "GameCoreMod0Source=; Set name of directory in user mods folder to read mod source data from."
  • Make it look like this: GameCoreMod0Source=Longhouse_v4 or GameCoreMod1Source=Longhouse_v4 if the first setting is used
  • Save the file
  • Now you can launch the game and the mod will automatically load.
  • This is not compatible with any mod that makes changes to the Palace improvement and Agronomy tech.




  • Longhouse_encarta.JPG
    102.9 KB · Views: 144
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Hi there. Thanks for your work.
Just to let you know, I had an act goal to build 1 palace and apparently upgrading the longhouse doesn't count.
Ok so I just posted an update. The Act Goal for the Palace now gives Prestige for the Longhouse instead. I haven't tested this because it requires playing the game. Not sure how this is going to work out because the Longhouse comes so early. Interested to know how it works.
Just posted a small update. Had to fix the title of the folder and insert an underscore to allow for the Settings file to read it. Oops sorry about that.
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