Modding cache


Apr 29, 2020
New to modding now that I have all this free time due to the pandemic. But I wanted to clear up some of my misconceptions I have. From my reading of Kael's guide, when I make a mod, all my XML files are converted into a SQL database and then used by the game. This data base is called Civ5CoreDatabase or Civ5DebugDatabase I'm nor sure which one or the different between them yet.

Anyway, I have been running my mod in conjunction with the community patch because I want it to be compatible. So far I have been able to add a new civ and add some unique units and buildings but I though, "hey can I mod a mod"? The community patch adds a "pathfinder" unit and gives it to you at the start of the game and I wanted to see if I could change it in some way.

So I run civ5 with the mods and play one turn. Then I open the SQL"Civ5CoreDatabase" database with "SQLite Spy" and search for the unit in different tables. But I can't find it. Then I think "well I have made a civ let me look for it in these tables." But again I cant find my civ. So this means that my fundamental understand of xml going into the SQL must be wrong. My main question is, where can I look to find data added by mods?

The "core" database is built from all the Firaxis supplied XML files. When playing with mods, these are added to the "core" and saved as the "debug" - the "debug" is then used by the game. So you will find your civ and the pathfinder unit in the "debug" database.

To mod a mod, you need to make your mod "depend" on the other mod (depend is a ModBuddy setting), such that the original mod loads first, then your mod can mod it.
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